
What do you think about learning about types of foods from around the world?

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What do you think about learning about types of foods from around the world?




  1. delious  

  2. I thinks its great!! Much needed in our society, maybe then people will so the notion of gross or disgusting

  3. When we sit down to eat each day and enjoy what is served to us or what we prepare for ourselves we take it for granted.

    Little do we know what other people go through to eat once a day. Some do not get food 3 times a day.

    It makes us appreciate what is in front of us on our tables and how we are blessed every time we go food shopping and bring it home and prepare it.

    Some countries have poor soil and work extra hard to grow crops for their people to eat each day. Some lands are dry desert like while others are rich and green and some in between.

    Many of us are used to going to the store loading food into the car and bringing it home....while others are out in the fields removing weeds and stones so their crops will grow and hauling water from distant wells so the crops will not dry  up. Just knowing this should make us give thanks for our food we have each day.

    When I meet people on line from different cultures I always ask about their eating habits....and sometimes I search for recipes from their country and when I eat it I get a closer feeling with my friends, it's like we are sharing the same food but across the world from each other.

    Right now I'm doing a lot of reading about "flat breads" each country has their own type of bread and if you try a new one from a country it gives you an inside look at their foods and flavors. They might add a  few leaves of a spice that you never tasted and you sit and enjoy that flavor. It's a whole new world when you take time to study food from your friends around the world.  

  4. It is really good to taste the foods of all nations so we can better understand their cultures. Now whether we learn to cook Indian Curry or Biscochitos or what ever we will have tasted them so we know what others are talking about

  5. It should be mandatory!!

    WHen growing up my parents introduced me to all sorts of different foods, when the best you could usually get in 1970's Britain was over cooked vegetables and tastless other "stuff". Still love to shop in Polish deli's and try new stuff to this day, although it's a lot different now as we have foods from all over the world readily available these days.

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