
What do you think about letting your 13 year old son....?

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get his ear pierced? Would you let him?

I personally don't like to see boys this young with piercings, when my oldest son was 14 he asked me if he can get his ear pierced....I said "absolutely no, when you turn 18 and you want to do it, you can do it, but not now" he agreed, He is now 17 and he hasn't even mention it again.

But I was wondering what all you guys think about that. IF you have a SON who is 13 would you let him do it??




  1. I am only 14, but i don't think there would be any harm in allowing your son to pierce his ear. in my school, boys with pierced ears are not common but nobody makes a big deal out of it. if your son pierces his ear and doesn't like it he can leave the earing out and the hole will grow over.

    as a parent it's your call to set boundaries you feel comfortable with, but if i have sons around 13 i would leave it up to them.

  2. Well technically a lot of teenage boys have their ears pierced so it's no big deal in my opinion. If I had a 13 year old soon and he wanted his ear pierced I would tell him to wait until he's 14 or 15. High school boys are more mature then Junior High kids so I would trust him with a decision.

  3. i personally think most guys like really g*y with pierced ears. but mabye let him when he is around 15, but don't make him wait until he is 18.

  4. yea if its not a piercing to show he is in a gang or something like that, its better then a tattoo. you can make him take it out

  5. Um... I think that guys look kind of stupid with peirced ears.  Especially two of them but that's just me.  But about your older son, you said that he never even mentioned it again so it was probably just a phase.  Everytime I want something that I can't have I usually forget about it and end up not wanting it anymore.  I think he'll get over it.  On the other hand, at least it's not permanant like a tatoo.  Yah, I wouldn't let my son do it until after puberty at least.

  6. I see no problem is letting him get his ear pierced, but only his ear, nothing else. And use a small  gold or silver stud or loop.

  7. I'd let him.  It's probably just a phase and he'll get over it.  In which case he'll take it out and he'll remember that you allowed him to be "grown up enough" to make this decision.  It's not like its permenant or anything.   Though I would draw the line at anything other than the ear.  It's a first step and if he likes the idea of getting pierced then he's just going to have to wait until he's at the age where I don't have a say.  But I'd also have that discussion and agreement before the ear piercing!

  8. There are a million answers, but use common sense. I got my earse peirced when i was 13 and it didnt really change things. I dont really see the harm in it. The only thing is am not really allowed to go to church with em on. So maybe you could kinda make it even by setting guidelines so it seems even. Tell him make sure he keeps his ears And if  your religous use my aunts approach.

  9. Well, i personally think that ear piercings on boys do not look very nice, but if thats what he really wants, then i say let him do it. Also the upside is, its not permanent so if you dont like it once he gets it done, or he changes his mind, he can always take it out and let the hole close up.

  10. yes i would whats the worst thing that could happened?

    ill tell you, he will rebel and get an ammature to Peirce it and it will get infected, all cold have been prevented if you just let the boy get a piercing, its a style now

    he can always remove anyway

    and he could be asking for much worse things, like condoms ( youll have to wait a few years for that )

  11. My dad stopped paying for haircuts when my brothers got their ears pierced (I guess he would rather longer hair to cover the piercing, so y pay to cut the hair that hides it?), to try to get them not to do it.  You can take away certain privileges if they do it,and when you say no they can't, let them know up front what the consequences will be.

  12. say NO.

    If they wine about it, then throw away the TV and say "you are staying home grounded for the next week." then enforce it.

    Parents should be parents, and part of the job is saying no to some of the stupid ideas that kids get, and then making it impossible for them to do otherwise.  

    If they come home with an infected ear, get them tested for aids to scare them.

  13. I agree with you whole heartedly. first off. by the time hes 18 he will be certain that this is really something he wants to do. instead of just some thought that went through his head. by then it will be his decision legally and he will be able to deal with the consequences on his own (with his father). Children most of the time do not know what is best for them. i have never had kids but when i was one. *whistles* i wanted to be spoiled rotten and got upset if my parents didnt comply. i was a brat. and now that im older i appreciate all teh things they have done for me. i wanted a peircing as well around the age of 16. my dad went berserk for about a week. now that i dont have one it no longer seems like a big deal.

    if i had a son that was 13 i would NOT be letting him make a decision about a peircing he wants. i see (im 18) people my age with like 5 peircings on the eyebrow. lip. and both ear. and i thank god i didnt get one. cuz whats gonna stop him from getting another one after the first ones excitement dies?

  14. come on im only 17 and i got my ears pierced when i was 8  just get him 2 diamond earings to wear and he will look fly for life

  15. If you don't let him do it he may get one of his friends to do it. Thats what I did as a young girl and it got infected.

  16. I think that it can teach him maturity and responsibility. I'd let him. By age 13, he's old enough to know right from wrong and he wont go around the school acting like he's the toughest kid in school. Do it!

  17. Yes, I would allow an earring at this age. He's a teenager now and wanting to express himself and establish an "image" - that's natural. Plus, an earring is reversible (can be removed). Now, a tattoo is a different story!

  18. if you dont think that he should do it then stick with it... dont let no one talk you into it... i have a 2 year old girl and everyone is tellin me to go ahead and do it.. but me and my husband have both talk about it and agreed to let her make that choose when she gets older.. but dont back down since you told your oldest that cuz it could make him think you think different of him.. my husband tells me all the time about stuff like that when he was younger

  19. No. My son's almost 12, and I see boys younger than him with an earring(s). I agree with you about letting him wait until he's 18. I don't have to give in to every fad that my son wants to chase after. He'll do just fine without it.

  20. So im guessing you have 2 sons? I think that you should do the exact same thing with him that you did for your older child. I personally do not have a son, let alone a teenager, but I remember when i was a teen that I would be mad when my parents would tell me i couldn't do something, but where more lenient with my older brother. It was irritating. Parents  should treat all their kids equally. About the earrings, I personally do not find it appealing when i see a boy that age with earrings. So if I had a teenage son I would tell him the same thing you told your oldest, that was a good decision.

  21. i would let him do it if he wants to he needs some way to express yourself remember when u were little and all the kids were doing something and u werent allowed to it drives u nuts

  22. i just answered another question on this.  lol.  older boy.  i actually have a son that is 13.  my answer would be a resounding "no".  reason being is that i know how some teachers view kids of that age(boys in particular) with piercings.  i do not want my kid to be judged on a stupid ear ring.  and besides, i also think it's just tacky.  that's just my personal opinion.  i've always told my kids the same thing basically that you do, "my house, my rules".  when you turn 18 and/or make your own living, go for it!  my 20 year old daughter talked to me about getting a tattoo.  i just told her to remember that everything moves south as you age.  lol.  she opted out.

  23. Um i personally do not lke the look on boys 16 and below i wouldent I would say when you are 18 like you already did ^_^

  24. no i wont

    let him do it

    at such a young

    age because he dosent

    really know what hes doing

    anyway and thats so irresponsible

    as a parent to let your son do that.

  25. No i wouldn't let my boys get their ears pierced at a young age and even if they were 35 and making their own decisions, i would still let them know that having an earring doesn't automatically make you tough!!

  26. Yes, I would. He's old enough to decide he wants one. i'd just make sure he's not doing it because everyone else is, but because he wants to express himself or he may just think he looks cool.


    just don't let him wear a huge diamond...they look bad on guy's! lol

    best of luck!

  27. No, I wouldn't. I feel it's different for boys than it is for girls. I know that sounds sexist, but I think it's more widely accepted for girls and boys are most likely to do it to be "cool." I would also make sure he was responsible enough to care for them himself. I would make him wait until he was at least 16-17.

  28. My son is 12.  Thankfully, he's never asked to get his ear pierced... but if he did, my answer would be the same as yours: not while you're living in my house.  =]

  29. Depends really

    Think of it this way at least its not a tattoo lol peircings you can take out

    so if he grows out of it and decides he dosnt want it any more he can take it out.

    I'd let my son but I wouldnt be very syphathetic when they winged that it hurt etc lol casue it was there own silly choice.

  30. I really don't have an issue with it, as long as they are paying for it and are going to a reputable place to have it done (and I will take them). As long as he doesn't get a gauge (or whatever the huge holes are that you can fit a dime through), I really don't have a problem with it.

  31. No way. If they're 15 borderline 16 then they can do it.

    I'm such a hypocrite, I have my septum and 2 lip piercings and I don't want my daughter to ever pierce her ears. I'll consider it when she's 15-16.

    If you do decide to pierce his ears please don't get it done at the mall. Get it done with a professional licensed piercer at a shop.

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