
What do you think about living in a trailor?what do you think about trailor people?

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you said it ,"yellowgirl116"

nina c. ummm..offensivly you sound like a *****!

many people live in a trailor and are not one bit diff.!

and zon moy....are u g*y???




  1. I think they are people.  Living in a trailer is better than living under a bridge.

  2. It's fine. People are happy with different things.

    And it's spelled trailer.  

  3. i don't know but i have this stereotype of " trailer people" that they are not very good people but as i said it is only a stereotype ;)

  4. I'm a student...

    I live in a non-working broken RV that I bought for $1000...

    I think I'm alright... and so are my neighbors... we got more spirit than your middle class folks...  

  5. i lived in a trailor twice and they absorb heat too badly. as for trailor people they are human just like anyone else.

  6. I would rather live in my car.  

  7. if they chose to live there then its cool...very matthew mccounaghey of them...but if they have to live there then thats totally lame

  8. i think that they are people with a country side  

  9. if they're just dedicated actors I say good job, if they're regular people just living in a trailer I say aww

  10. well i think dat da trailer ppl r just ppl but some r just some rednecks drinking beer nd stuff but usually just normal ppl nd living in a trailor its a mobile home but i think u can get robbed easier

  11. If you are talking about trailers, then I would say to each his own.  I'd never live in one, but others do.

  12. what i think its kind of cool you know a moving home i would like one. a trailor is like a home but just a little smaller dosent make a difference to me

  13. around here where i live, trailers are not uncommon. i live in a small town, but there are no trailers allowed inside the "city limits" which is about a mile and a half stretch :) i dont think differently about people who live in trailers. the way the economy is today, most people would be lucky to get a trailer. some of them are actually pretty nice. i have never lived in one though. now, there are some trailers that look like they need to be burned to the ground and used for scrap metal they are so old. but, i guess you gotta take what you can get.

  14. the same thing i think about anybody else....i dont let where ppl come from be the determining factor of how i treat them....i get to know them as far as personality etc.etc...also if you are in a trailor you have a place to stay...some ppl arent fortunate enough to have that..lots of homeless ppl  

  15. i dont get why ppl call trailer ppl trailer trash.

    its a house just smaller, so like a trailer.  its not really any different.

    ppl who are like racist to trailor ppl r stupid.

    i think its perfectly normal to live in a trailor.

  16. some trailors are super nice and cost like 3 million bucks, lol but no honestly I hate to be stereotypical but I wouldn't like to live in a trailor park personally, but I do really like Sean from Boy Meets World and he lived in a trailor park!

  17. Here is what I think. I got out of a bad marriage 9 years ago with my 1 year old son. I had nowhere to go and stayed at my moms long enough to save enough money to be able to get something for us to call home. It happened to be a "trailor". It was brand new, I made it look real homey and comfy, and I continued to work hard and take care of my son. I met another man who is wonderful to me and my son, married him and moved him in. We both work hard (as Im a nurse and he owns his own heat and air company). We would love to be able to buy a real house, but I still owe so much on this mobile home that no bank would give us a mortgage. We are not trash, nor are we poor. I was just in a rough spot, like so many other good people out there. I wont say there arent bad people living where I live, I cant stand most of them actually. But there are some people who just cant do any better. I get very offended when people find out that I live in a mobile home and ask me if I am a redneck or what do I do for a living. I have a great job, a wonderful husband and now 2 beautiful sons, who I took to Disney World for a week in July. So, no we arent all poor.

  18. most people classify them as poor people or drug addicts. but i dont see ne thing wrong with it. some trailers are pretty fancy inside and etc.

    to me its all about what ur more comfy with. some people like trailers better than homes or appts.

    i have some family that live in one and i enjoy going over there.

  19. ****, people who live in trailers have nice cars because they dont have to pay for a big morgage and the electircity bill wont be as big either. i have no problem with them unless it looks like they live in a garbage disposal place.

  20. i don't see anything wrong with living in a trailer, in some cases they can look just like houses. "Trailer people" are regular people too, i don't see any difference between them and folks who live in 2 story, 5 bedroom houses. Though i have found that trailers tend to be messier and more cluttered than houses

  21. i think it depends... our economy is going down, a lot of people cant afford apartments or houses any more, also depends on what kind of neighbor hood the trailer is in/condition the trailer is in... i dont think all trailers are ghetto and trashy but a lot are. my friends mom has a REALLY nice trailer... you would never even know it was a trailer, it looks like a house, the only way you can tell its not is because its on those "stilt" things or what ever and the neighborhood is all the same kind of trailer things..

  22. We have 2 good stereotypes in Canada (the Trailer Park Boys) and the U.S. (My name is Earl).  It's tough not to say trailer w/o thinking the word "trash" after it.

  23. Depending on where you are, they can be nice people. The downside is that there have been kidnappings and murders of little girls at trailers recently.  

  24. I think people are people living in a trailer or living in a hut.

    I think trailer people get a bad rap.

    I have seen some really cool trailors and trailor parks I think they are alot better then apartment living, because they also have yards.

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