
What do you think about male circumcision?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriends and I were discussing this recently... so, to the guys, are you circ or not and are you happy with the way you are? And to the girls, which kind do you prefer?




  1. Circumsized for religious reasons. Of course I'm happy with it. I can't imagine having excess f******n, it's unhygienic and looks hideous.  

  2. I'm circumcised and I'm extremely happy that my p***s doesn't look like an anteater.

  3. i prefer circ

  4. Circumcision is mutilation. Any woman that say they prefer cut men is a hypocrite unless they had their stuff sliced up to keep it "cleaner". Any woman that has a dry odorless v***a has something wrong, I don't understand the need for a double standard, especially since men can keep themselves very clean by washing their junk daily.

    Any person that promotes the circumcision of helpless infants is very sick indeed. The ONLY people that should have their bodies altered in ANY way are consenting adults.

    I am a circumcised man and it was not botched but I feel that I was mutilated against my will.

    I am actually in the process of restoring my f******n non-surgically as I am extremely angry and disappointed that a healthy, functioning part of my body was removed for no good reason other than societal customs.

    The risks are very small, but many boys have lost their penises due to botched circumcisions and some have even died due to bleeding or infection.

    The risk is very small but it is a risk that I would never even consider when the alternative is to leave my son the way that he is intended to be and carries no risk of death or disfigurement.

    I think that it is important for everyone to read what's behind the following link.

  5. circumcision is an good thing for some of you guys.but some of you guys with the skin,you need to pull that skin back.and  clean that area.And you girls when you meet these guys with skin,either you wash it or make them pull the skin back and wash it.Those thing carry stuff from the last time it was stuck in something. If not wash good.If not ladies your box will be getting the fishy odor.Or dirty p***s disease.

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