
What do you think about marriage at 16?

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  1. you shouldn't get married until your at least 25, but I think that you should wait until your 30. That way you have time to get your life together before you tie yourself down.  

  2. I think it's wayyyy tooo young.

    A 16 year old  will change their thoughts, change their desires, their life, etc many times before they are 21.  

    A person can get married at any adult age.  

  3. you have to have your parents sign for you what does that tell you?

  4. I feel it is a bad thing to do. Wait until you're 20. If you're still together then, I say it is meant to be. If not, you will be out the cost of divorce. Just try not to have kids until you're over the age of 18.  

  5. Too early !!!

  6. way to young

  7. I'm not sure if you can get married at 16 with your parents permission but either way i think 16 is far too young. I'm not saying that marriage for some people at such a young age hasn't worked but in my opinion even though you may feel mature enough & ready for marriage, chances are you are not & in years to come will live to regret it! Whats the rush anyway?

  8. Age 16 is sweet time to enjoy freedom and have a lot of fun. Marriage is serious business and brings a lot of trouble to early for 16.

    Do not do that. Wait and in few years you will appreciate that you was smart and you did not surround yourself with troubles.

  9. I think it's too young and you can't possibly know if you're ready or if you really love him. I know...I hear people say...well, back in the day people used to get married that young. That's because there was no birth control and parents of young women or girls didn't want them getting pregnant before they just married them off. Also back then...women didn't could get married that young and be taken care of. The problem with that was...a lot of women felt trapped later on when they matured and figured out what they really wanted in a companion...but since they had not gotten an education and never worked outside the home...they stayed.

    Find yourself first...figure out what you like in another person...get an on your own, so you know you can do it. You've got so much time and who says you have to be married.. to be with this person? I really do believe if you make this decision, you will regret it one day.

  10. I have known one person who married at age 16.  She was pregnant.  That was 26 years ago and she is still happily married today.  I wouldn't say it's a good idea, but it can work out.

  11. not a good idea, whats wrong with waiting until you have had a chance to experience more of life and can make better decisions. you would be surprised how much you can change by the age of 35.

  12. I was so d**n sure I was going to marry my girlfriend when I was 16.


    Thank GOD for unanswered prayers!

  13. Very wrong!

  14. Way too freaking young. You cannot even get a well paying job at that age. Give it break and wait till your 25.  

  15. wait I thought 16 was being a minor..  and having s*x with a minor could put a guy in jail ...   so how is that possible?  

  16. I think at 16 you may think you know everything..but you are far from it.

    I think some one should wait till they are 18-20, I was 21 and that was almost to young.

    I was almost not ready once i got married and seen how it was.

  17. I have a cousin who married at 16, now shes 21 with 4 kids, and shes miserable!  I do think 16 is way to young, I think at that point you don't fully understand yourself enough to make such a life changing decision.  So if your considering marriage now, take a deep breath and just enjoy young love, and if 5-6 years from now the flame is still burning, go for it then.  Believe me, life is not something you want to rush!  

  18.   I think its to young at that age you should still be out experimenting new things,  learning about how life really is and flat out preparing you for whats to come in the future. learning from a lot of your major mistakes I think if you settle down that early that you will regret it in the future,  then want the things you missed out on.     Enjoy being young it only happens once.

  19. i think its never a good idea.

    a marriage needs more than just love. unfortunately.

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