
What do you think about mcdonalds...Working there and Eating there?

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What do you think about mcdonalds...Working there and Eating there?




  1. I actually work there and I can't look at the food. Usually most people try to follow the rules and wear gloves in the grill area. But theres always one person who doesn't. And they touch their hair, face , go to the bathroom and then make your food. Even my boss doesn't wear gloves and I think thats nasty. Then there's this old lady who does the dishes. She puts them in the dishwasher and takes them out covered in soap. She doesn't rinse the soap off!! Third, the fries can only stand for 7 minutes. After that they're cold. Most people never know exactly how many baskets of fries to drop, or how many to keep so they end up making too much product. The fries r then cold and taste terrible. When I come home from work, my clothes smell so bad. They smell like fries, grease, cheese and something else I cant explain. Also, it is quite embarrassing when my neighbor sees me working there. I get amazed when the people that work there make drama over a hamburger! I think you get the jist of what I think about mcdonalds.

  2. Well, I live in South Korea and every once in a blue moon, I will have a Big Mac attack. It's not great but it makes me feel a bit at home.

    As for working there, it's a huge corporation. So, if you don't have any moral objections, at least, you'll get paid on time and have plenty of opportunity to move up to a mediocre management gig.  It's not the best; in times like these, nobody would look down upon you for it.

  3. well i have never worked there

    but omg the food is delicous

    i know its fatting

    but you only have one life

    mines of well eat it

    while you can

    i love getting the fries and dipping them

    in sweet and sour sauce

  4. Eat there

  5. wouldnt recomend working in mcdonalds lol

    a) u dnt get gud pay for working in a fastfood place

    b) its not very healthy - you get covered in grease n stuff

    eating there - is okay but not terribly healthy lol

  6. Too many foods high in sodium and fat.  Personally, I only have McDonald's very rarely.  I've never worked there.

  7. Horrible and horrible.

  8. The food, Good for if thats the only thing to eat because theres nothing else out there... But still, not the not the best. and the working.. I can't say.

  9. working there can't say because i've never worked there

    eating there don't care for

  10. I rather eat there instead of working there.

  11. I haven't ever worked there but this is what i haev to say:

    Work there: mayeb as a last resort

    Eat there: Might as well add 5 pounds on me now!

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