
What do you think about men who use the word "***"?

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What do you think about men who use the word "***"?




  1. i think they r just like girls who say the word L*****n or c*nt who gives a f*ck its just a word

  2. uhh isn't a f*g a cigarette?

  3. its the best way to insult someone you dont like.

  4. I think that they are disrespectful and immature. And they don't have the right to say words like that.

  5. uuumm i guess i just think  its a mean word so they are mean for saying it

    it could hurt peoples feelings

  6. I think it is pretty childish, personally.

  7. The word is so commonly used as a general negative statment that its actual meaning has been diminished... i rarely hear the word used to describe an actual homosexual--

    its wrong but not so wrong as to make you stop and feel opressed...

  8. They're homophobic.

  9. I think they say it out of habbit or just to get attetion. It depends on who's around. Idk or they could be g*y lol

  10. definately compensating for feelings that they dare not express... desires and fantasies, they crave that sweet mangina

  11. Am i missing something? What's the word?

  12. they are not very open minded and closed to the world around them as a whole, there is beauty in all we see and do if we only let ourselves believe the truth as truth is beauty.

  13. I think they are ignorant.  It's the same thing as a white person calling a black person a [n-word].

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