
What do you think about mexicans?

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I'm not racist 'cause I'm mexican but i think some of you guys are very mean with mexican people, why? do you feel the same way about mexicans who live in Mexico and in America?




  1. sexicans!! no im kidding. a lot of people in this country are arrogant and ignorant, and youll just have to learn to accept that. but my family (grandparents) emigrated here and so did thousands of other americans; and they need to remember that the next time they make fun of someone from a different country. because guess what? this is ultimately a country filled with immigrants.  thats what we're all about right? life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

  2. i have nothing aganist mexicans because i have a lil bit of latino in me anyway

    i feel that everyone should be reated the same way no matter what u are

    people think just because ur mexican that u mow lawns and stuff

    but i know some high powered latinos so forget those people that have something aganist mexicans

  3. i like mexicans

    i think their kinda cool


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  4. I live in Mexico, and old widow, and am treated well by my Mexican neighbors. My Spanish is faulty and they joke about it at times. I was fortunate to grow up in Los Angeles with Mexican people so the current resentment of them seems odd and unacceptable to me, LA was and still is a Mexican neighborhood. "Us guys" are not all the same..

  5. I love my mexican man.... He is the hardest working person ever for his family. I'm American with no latin blood what so ever and all I have ever been with is Mexicans. I even go once a year to Mexico. And love it!!!!

  6. People can be very cruel to Mexican, in fact plain out prejudice, but I truly love my Mexican brothers and sisters. I am American and I am married to a Mexican (Latino). I have a home in Mexico and here in the US and in both countries Mexicans are great. In every culture, Latino, Caucasian, African American, Asian, whatever it may be there are going to be bad people and good people. To me it just seems like people try to find difference and bad in people because they are scared of change. There is one thing for sure, all the Mexicans in America are bringing in change, and for the better. I LOVE MY MEXICAN FAMILY!!!

  7. Im mexican and I must agree that 97% of the mexicans currently living in the United States are f-ing ghetto. All they do is build up a really bad reputation to all the mexicans, Every mexican community here is so ghetto, dirty and they are also ghetto, the way they talk, think, everything. But then again when I think of it, the ones here in the US usually come here because of their low income in mexico which who knows how their conditions were which makes them the way they are. Mexicans in mexico are SO educated, civilized, classy, good looking, intelligent (unlike the ones here, they are the "dumb" ones in every class) basically they are completely different, including the ones with low income/poor, so idk. All ive got to say is that it sucks that the mexicans here have built such a bad reputation for ALL mexicans

  8. all this people above me are nice =)

  9. I think Mexicans are some of the nicest, warmest people I have ever met! In Mexico as well as the U.S. I have found they are very trustworthy and I have always been welcomed by them! There is bad in every race, and people should be ashamed to stereo type individuals. When are people going to "Live and Let Live"? I hope this helps. We are not all bad.  I am also not Mexican.

  10. I guess this question doesn't fully apply to me in the sense because I currently live in Mexico so 99% of the people around me are legally mexicans themselves; but I could say this:

    They are just like any other people anywhere else.mexicans aren't magical aliens from outer space, they are just as human as Americans. I don't glorify mexicans either though. There's all sorts of people here and you'll find both the nicest and most honest indian people that have so high morals they'd never even snatch a banana from your table even if they are half unconscious from hunger and they fully know you wouldn't mind if they did take it, and people of a similar socioeconomical background that are street thugs. The richer white people of mostly spanish descent can come in all ways too; there's great people that can be very down to earth and there's people that are more superficial than Paris Hilton that crash their BMW's and demand daddy to buy them a new one the next day.

    There's people who burst their rears working and others that get into good positions by cheating and because they have good contacts. It's a classic joke here that the sons of congressmen can get away with anything (heck, even 1st degree murder can be fully pardoned here).

    Many of the mexicans I've met in the US are usually poor indian people that do stereotypical low skilled jobs but make a pretty decent living and many of them were happy as h**l to speak in spanish for a change. I recall me and my mom talking to this very nice lady that worked as a janitor in a fast food joint in Kansas City who was from Michoacán who was happy as h**l to speak about Mexico with us and all of the other customers (all of them white people)  were looking at us strange because we were physically white people of spanish descent talking with mexicans in spanish as if it were nothing. Other latinos I've bumped into here and there were just ordinary people that could or might not speak spanish.

    There's naco latinos in the US and there's nacos in Mexico, but there's also highly skilled people like doctors that do their residencies in the US and might end up deciding to move there.

    I'd say to Americans that not all mexicans are indian. I wouldn't be surprised if Cameron Diaz actually had the right to claim mexican citizenship because her dad is mexican and she's pretty d**n white to me.

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