
What do you think about milan and lombardy in italy?

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Hello i'm giovanni and i'm 17... i live in province of varese near milan... what do u think about milan and lombardy? thank you




  1. ihih un altro italiano in answers americano!!  ..cmq non sono mai stata a milano anche se devo dire che mi piacerebbe molto andarci..ciaoOo

  2. milan is interesting just for business nothing else,I would never live there..

  3. Ciao Giovanni: Come stai? Io ho visto Milano l'anno scorso con i miei genitori e il mio fratello che si chiama Giovanni anche! I also stayed with some relatives in Lodi, about 1 1/2 hours away from Milano Malpensa. I loved Milano, it is such a beautiful city and I loved the architecture in the Piazza Del Duomo and also the San Siro stadium - Forza AC Milan per sempre! I loved the people and I would go back to visit someday!

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