
What do you think about moms starting babies on foods that will almost surely lead to obesity?

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Do you agree that foods marketed for babies aren't neccessarily good for them? ie Gerber "Puffs" or "Yobaby Yogurt" Do you think moms who use these convenience snacks are setting their kids up to develop bad eating habits and become obese?




  1. A lot of things aren't good for kids or even adults but they eat them anyway. I give my almost 9 month old son all kinds of things. He's tried Mt. Dew, Cokes, Coffee, All kinds of foods, Donuts, Candy Bars, Chocolate. Might as well let the kids try them, they're more than likely going to try them when they're a little older anyway. All the kids in my family grew up on fatty country cooking as soon as they'd open their mouths to a spoon. What they eat when their babies has no impact on whether or not they're going to be fat when they're older. Just don't shove all bad foods or lots of food down your older kids throat & they won't be fat from the food they eat. Some kids are also just meant to be fat.

  2. There used to be a bunch of people here that said that vienna sausages (you know the ones in the can) were a good first food.


    I have a 2.5 year old and a 9 month old -neither has had ANY food product marketed for "babies".  Neither was ever spoon fed.  And it cracks me up everytime we go to a party because someone always says something about the foods he chooses (the last one was "I can't believe he keeps coming back for carrot sticks", also "wow he eats blue cheese" and "He really eats a lot of olives".  Hehe and its too cute when he says "more spicy" he loves hot food so much)

    YoBaby has 13g of sugar per container (container size not listed on the sites I was on).  And seriously a "vegetable puff" is not A VEGETABLE, they have so much salt.  The l'il entrees have more fat, salt, and additives than Michelina's.  Its all just so gross.

    Oh and if you see annatto on the ingredient list you know the company just doesn't care about your baby.  Annatto is known to cause as many if not more allergic reactions and negative effects as synthetic dyes.  But rather than let food be the colour it is or use a safe food dye they use the cheapest one that lets them say "all natural" without a care about the consequences.

  3. I agree they aren't great for them. But I think people that let their kids eat ONLY healthy things are just as bad as the parents that don't care what their kids eat. Once they get a taste for it they are going to go crazy into it. I think parents just need to do everything in moderation. I don't think parents are bad for giving their kids some yummy yogurt every once in a while. I think as long as kids eat healthy normally a little treat is perfectly fine, as long as it is not given for a reward, that teaches them bad things too. I will not deny my kids snacks that aren't good for them every once in a while, as I eat snacks that aren't good for me every once in a while. Instead I will teach them that everything is okay in moderation. And that fruits and veggies are just as yummy as those snacks they get. I don't think their kids are going to become obese because they gave them yogurt that wasn't good for them. I think that is ridiculous actually. I suppose you don't ever eat anything that isn't great for you. I give my 6 month old little tastes of my syrup every once in a while, and she prefers her fruits and veggies  to anything else. Everyone deserves a great tasting treat every once in a while.

    edit. I did not breast feed because I couldn't and I introduced solids at 4 months, and I don't believe my daughter will be obese because of it at all. MAYBE that stuff has nothing to do with it maybe it is how a parent raises their child.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly on this one. Although I'm not against a kid getting a bit of sugar here and there (moderation is the key) the stuff sold for and marketed to babies is pure c**p. Empty carbs and calories with little or no nutritional value whatsoever and parents buy them believing they are good for babies. A quick glance at the label tells another story.

    My baby likes a variety of fresh fruit so that's her "sweets". It takes nothing to put a few food savers filled with chopped fruits in the frisge and serve throughout the day. Cheaper then "puffs" and "graduates" and much, much healthier too.  

  5. Well if the kids get enough exercise they don't have to worry about what they eat because they will burn it off anyway  

  6. any food healthy or not in large quantities can cause anyone to become obese.. these puffs and snacks are better than handing your baby crackers or cookies and sometimes they do need little snacks throughout the day. As long as the parents don't go overboard feeding their child uncontrollably  they are fine.  

  7. "Do you agree that foods marketed for babies aren't neccessarily good for them?"

    Most of it is absolute garbage; Gerber stuff in particular is particularly shameful.

    _I_ am _ashamed_ to be a mother, given that it puts me in a group of people who apparently can't read an ingredient label. Even a quick glance at the packages in the baby aisle will make it plain that they're junk; I have no idea why people buy "Puffs" etcetera and think their baby is getting something decent.

    There are convenience foods out there that aren't junk; oatcakes are a great choice. But the stuff in the baby aisle is pretty uniformly c**p.

  8. When my boys were small, I never served them "convenience" anything!

    I took the time when they were small to only feed them the very best, and oftentimes, the "very best" is much cheaper, anyway!

  9. i think that there are a lot more scientifically established causes for obesity than giving your kid some gerber puffs.  introducing solids before 6 months, premature weaning or not breastfeeding at all, genetics, sedentary lifestyle, giving your kids juice, not letting your child develop a natural eating pattern (making them finish the bottle when they aren't hungry anymore or making them wait to eat on a shcedule when they are hungry)... all these things are at least as responsible as occasionally getting some junk food.

    no parent is perfect.  using some quick fix treats like yobaby yogurt hardly even registers on my "bad parent" radar.

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