
What do you think about my Photographs?

by  |  earlier

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i would like feedback on my photos, and just your thoughts on them. ive only been doing this for a month so ive just started and wanted to know how you guys thought i was doing so far. heres the URL




  1. I think they're fantastic. You definitely have a natural macro eye.  

  2. I like the one with the curb the most, I think it's the lighting that makes it look good.

  3. i seriously think these are sooooo amazing i want to get into photography too but so many people do it that if i started they would think im copying them or something it sucks. im amazed youve been doing this for a month only too

  4. I think they're good they aren't amazing! but there good I like how they're intresting

  5. These are very beautiful pictures! Keep up with your great work!  

  6. i think theyre ok

  7. wow. that´s amazing. their beautiful. congratulations.

  8. are u a photogarapher caz thoose pics look incredible

  9. wow you are really good and the pictures look really beautiful  

  10. Wow!! most of these are amazing!

    i especially love the insect and natural ones!

    you have such a talent! :)

    x x

  11. Oooh! Really nice! You've only been doing these for a month? Really? Wow. Love em'! Especially the buttons! ;)

  12. wow u r good !

  13. Good. all artistic or something.

  14. I like sweet butterfly the best the rest are good and so so.

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