
What do you think about my friend? He doesn't have much confidence =[ [Pics Included!]?

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I grew up with this guy since diaper ages, we know everything about each other. He lost a lot of weight, and I personally think hes a very handsome guy. Thing is, theres this girl in his school that I told him to stay away from. He aims too high for himself, she has a poising vibe, and though they are just friends, he would ask her to hang out just for fun and she has shot him down numerous times. Its brought down his confidence a lot..even though hes come so far. Whats your opinion on him?




  1. maybe you should help him build his confidence or give him advice to help him get the girl  

  2. **** the brains outta him that will set him straight lol

  3. he looks pretty cool, im a boy so i cant rate but i would want to be friends with him

  4. yeah i agree with you.

  5. He's really cute. When I was younger I probably would've had a crush on him..

    Also.. I don't think you should tell him he aims too high, that definitely wouldn't make him feel good about himself. I don't think you were trying to be mean by saying that though.

  6. Tell him what you just told us. And if he doesn't listen or agree, fine. Let him be who he wants to be. But let him know you willalways be there for him.

  7. Its not like he is ugly or anything.  That girl probably just has issues.

  8. i think he's really cute.

    he should grow his hair out though

  9. honistley i dont think he is that good looking you could probably do better,thats just my opinion but if you really like him then just tell him and mabey he woulnt like this other girl so much...

  10. i think he needs to forget about that girl and find some girl who would say yes and be nice to him. he looks good  

  11. he's ok ;)

  12. he kinda cute, i prefer guys with long hair

  13. he looks like he is a funn guy and i think he is cutee

  14. if shes shot him down everytime then he should know by now shes doesnt want to hang out with him outside of school,so basically hes setting his self up for rejection. he shouldnt worry to much about one girl..theres plenty more out there..he just needs to know that even though she may not want to hang out with him..theres someone who does...always tell him and remind him hes capable of anything,if he can be strong minded enough to lose weight then he can be strong minded enough to find friends who actually want to be his friend.

    btw hes really cute....hes not an ugly guy at all

  15. he dosent look bad he actually  look pretty cute!

  16. I don't think that you need to be in the middle of his chioces with women or anything for that matter. Let him learn by making his own chioces. He's a good looking guy. Are you sure that it's not YOU that wants him?

  17. you go out with him  

  18. i'd have his number any dayy :P

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