
What do you think about my riding?

by  |  earlier

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I have only been leasing this horse for a little less than a month. He's a 14 year old TB. I want some advice on how to improve my riding because I'm doing a show with him. The division I'm entering is two classes with 18 inch cross rails and a walk trot canter class. I would really appriciate any advice you can give me.




  1. I think that you need to work on your posture. Heels down, toes in, shoulders back. I think that you also need to keep your hands closer to the saddle. The jump was good. Work on keeping your butt in the saddle instead of bouncing around. You can do that by squeezing your thighs into the saddle. You should also practice doing the walk, trot, cater w/o stirrups to keep your posture and such.

  2. Well....I would probably try to get him more in front of your leg. It seemed as though he wasn't very forward. Also, bring your elbows back towards your body. And Keep your butt glued to the saddle, at the canter it looked like you were bouncing around all over the place. I would practice walk trot canter without stirrups =] hope this helps!

  3. First of all, move with the horse in the canter and sit up more in the saddle, don't lean forward except when you jump you do need to lean more forward and get out of the saddle with your seat. Put your hands farther up on the horse's neck when you jump and put more weight in your feet and legs not in your seat when jumping. I really want to ride your horse (he looks so fun!), and you definitely know how to post! Cute kitty!!!

  4. lol well im not much of an english rider but i think the cat was just adorable :]

  5. looks fine to me except that u need to sink into ur heel some more and maybe try to post when u trot. good job on ur canter and jump. all in all, good job!!!     8-D

  6. it looks like you need to sit deeper in the saddle, because you fly around a bit.

    also, most of the time you were on the wrong lead at the canter.

    bring your elbows back and tuck them into your sides.

  7. Work on your posture, and lengthen your stirrups because they look a little on the short side. Keep your heels down and your shoulders and chin up. You looked a little hunched over. And good luck at the show! ♥

  8. I agree with you sitting to forward in the saddle and the wrong leads. It just looks like you allowing him to get away with a lot. Get him to do what you want to do. You're asking and seem to be happy with whatever comes along. I would advise you to watch some professional riders and see how they sit in the saddle and then try to practice with out stirrups making sure you don't hold on with your lower legs, just your upper. If you're sitting correctly with out stirrups, someone standing in front of you should be able to see quite a bit of daylight between your lower legs and horse belly.  

  9. your on the wrong canter lead alot, you want his inside front leg to be moving farther foreward then the rest (that would get you the correct lead)

    you also need to sit back a bit (EVEN if your riding hunters) and bring your elbows and shoulder back.

    You lower leg needs to come back also, remember that your ear, shoulder, hip and heel should all make a straight line to the ground..

    I would also work on your two point (or jumping position..) still keeping your hip and heel lined up, and your toe and knee lined up also.

    nice horse [=

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