
What do you think about my website (most effective feedback gets 10 points)?

by Guest66694  |  earlier

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It's a very new website. Please give your thoughts on every facet of my website. What do you think about it? Any Ideas on what i can do to make it better? Would anyone be interested in writing an article?




  1. I like your website as I am a tennis fan as well and play tennis every week!

    I like the colour scheme of green and white as it ties in with the theme of tennis. The font is easy to read and clear.

    You have added some advertising from Google, good luck with making some money!!! Try and position you ads and search engine somewhere else, e.g. at the very top or very bottom or on the sides.

    Maybe try to add lots of links but in a different font/ colour to make it more visible and to stand out. Add some home page links on every page. I especially like the videos that you have embedded as this is great for anyone (like me) to learn and improve my tennis.

    I would be interested in writing an article on your blog. Please contact me for further details.

    Keep up the great website and I will visit it soon!

  2. it looks very good, nice colour scheme and the users will find it easy to use.

  3. That's a slick way to get more clicks- does it help?

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