
What do you think about myspace for a 12 year old girl?

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My 12 year old daughter feels that she can be on myspace even after countless times of me telling her no because she is to young and there is inappropriate things on there.She feels that i am crazy? She disrespects me and gets on there and lies about it. What should I do?




  1. she is much to young

  2. DO NOT let her get a MySpace! First of all, it's the law that you have to be at least 13 to be on any website like that. Second, it's MySpace's policy that you have to be 15 to join! So either way she'd have to lie about her age, and that's not a very good value to teach.

    There are also a LOT of inappropriate things on there. I mean, there's a lot of hype about pedophiles and what not on MySpace, but I've never been raped by a guy on MySpace. However, there are a lot of things on there that most parents wouldn't want their 12-year-old seeing. Also, it's really annoying and disturbing for other people (who are legally allowed on the website) to go to someone's page and see "hi im katie and im 12 looking for friends!!!!!1 so if ur intrest3d lemme know send me a message and ill talk 2 u!!!", because that's how all 12-year-olds on MySpace type. It's just not appropriate for someone that young to be on there.

    If you find out she goes on there after you telling her no, take away all her computer privledges (except for homework, and even then monitor it) and don't let her go to the person's house whose computer she was on.

  3. Absolutely Not!!!!!

    The internet is filled with child predators...

    a child should never have a MySpace account

    and while I'm at it never post a photo of themselves..

    For God's Sake, this internet is not a toy!

    It's serious business and parents should take it


  4. take away the computer! it is not appropriate for children and she is still a child.

  5. The point here is she is not listening to you, even disrespecting you. So I think one way out could be to get some friend of her whom she likes, and who is mature enough to know the problems faced by kids because of such sites, talk to her.If someone her age tells her about the possible threats, she would take it more seriously.

      And then you do have the option of some site blocking software.

  6. You're in the right...there are far too many silly things happening on the internet for a 12 year old girl to be messing around on there.  She needs to wait at least 2 or 3 more years.

  7. Jimmy is right. It would not be a good idea to start letting a 12 year old call the shots. Even if my space is used for good, you have to start showing her whose boss before she turns into a teen terror

  8. Twelve-year-olds have absolutely no business being on MySpace.   You are correct that there is plenty of inappropriate stuff on that site.  Also, the internet is a venue which gives mean girls a license to be even meaner to each other than they are in person.   Keep your daughter off the computer except for homework, until she is old enough to handle the garbage that goes on there.....certainly not before age 16.

  9. I don't have a daughter, but I can answer this with four words:


    She wouldn't be going over to any family members' or friends' homes if I couldn't trust her to follow the rules.  I know kids are going to push their limits, but pedophiles don't just hang out at the soccer field anymore.

  10. COPPA laws state that no child under 13 can make use of web boards, social networking sites etc.

  11. Show her the things that will happen if she disrespects you

  12. NO computer.   If you don't take control now you are in trouble when she is 14

  13. You should, because like every 12 year old has a MySpace these days

  14. I believe you are correct not to let her on Myspace.  No matter how mature a 12 year old is, they are still 12.  she might let too much information out and not realize what she has done.  It's hard to controll what your kids do at other's house.  If you catch her...I would ban her from going to that house anymore (warning...she's going to hate it and you won't have an exacty "happy" moment with your daughter).  I am sure your daughter is a great kid!  Just know that there are parents who support you and we DON"T think you are crazy.

  15. Put a block on your pc, it will block networking, chat rooms, msn and things like that, if she still goes on, dont let her use the computer until she realises that she is not allowed on the site. Good luck XxXx

  16. i think she is okay to be on there.

  17. all the predator stuff is hype created by the media and Chris Hanson. As long as she isn't an idiot, MySpace is fine, and you are being strict about it and should lighten up, because one way or another, she'll get one! I had this same struggle with my parents when I was her age, and I kept my profile private (Others can't see it) unless they are my friend, and I only kept the people I knew as friends. As long as you monitor her activity on it, and make sure nothing happens, she is fine. Ask her for her password so you can check it regularly. And if you're too lazy to do that, then she'll be more annoyed with you and want to rebel more.

  18. Get a parental block on it.  My son is 11 and keeps bugging me to get a myspace account.  NO WAY will I let him.  Even if you monitor it and set the profile to private, I've heard that there are ways people can hack it and get your information and there will still be times that you are not around and what if she thought she trusted someone and gave out her name or address or other personal information.  You can go into your security settings on the computer and block that wbsite all together.

  19. try to compromise with her and find something like my space but for kids. type in my space for kids.

  20. Take away her computer use.  Listen, you said no and she didn't follow the rules.  I agree with you on your reasoning.  My children also aren't allowed on myspace.  And if I found out that one of them had an account without my prior approval, they would instantly lose use of the computer.  It's not that hard to figure out.   You're the mom and what you say goes. Period.  Of course it's not going to sound reasonable to her because unfortunately there are a lot of kids that aren't properly supervised on the net and that is what you're battling against.  I'm sure you've heard "but everybody else does it" tactic.  Just ignore it! Good luck!

  21. you should "allow" her to under your rules and supervision.

    she can set her page to be only viewed by "friends" that she allows.... you can tell her to set it up that way, plus tell her that you have to "okay" a friend before she can allow them to be friends with her... this way, she will only have real friends on there that she actually knows...     harmless if you play it safe like that.  I am very familiar with Myspace.

    good luck!

  22. I think she's too young.  You are supposed to be 14 to get a myspace page.  If you let her have one now, she will have to lie about her age.  I don't really think we should encourage or allow our kids to lie .  It sets a bad precedent.  When she is 14 let her get one, but insist that she keep her profile private.  That way only people she allows to be her friends can see her page.  Set up a myspace page of your own, so you can monitor her page.

  23. seriously. let her get on. jeezus christ! i got myspace wn i was 11 & i handled it fine. kids no so much these days, sheltering them is totally useless. she'll just get on anyway. i no i did, even tho my rents wouldn't let me get on myspace. if u lock down on her, she'll get more wild.

  24. show her  the rules shes that states shes too young

    im 30 and its too messed up for people my age even shes too young be the parent and block it

  25. I think the age limit they set is 14. Why is your block not set? You can stop her from going anyplace you don't approve of. The computer can leave the house as easily as it came it. If you don't stop this now, she is right. You are beig crazy.

  26. No it is not a good idea. Put a program on the computer that will block the website and restrict her computer access.

    Also ground her for disobeying- No phone, tv, video, or playing with friends for a week + extra chores

  27. You're on the right track...

    Ask her why she wants to be on Myspace.

    If her answer is dating other things like that...


    but if she wants to have friends...

    i think its a bit ok...

    BUT...You need to guide her....

    (SoRRY if thats not the answer. I'm not really good at this one.)

  28. Lying isn't good but myspace isn't necessarily a bad thing. I have a myspace myself and am able to keep it clean. A lot of my friends from church have a myspace and spread the message of God through it. Keep an open mind sometimes myspace can be a great thing

  29. Get her password or lock down your computer.

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