I want people to answer this regardless of your opinion on global warming/climate change. I'm asking this on the global warming section because it's directly related to how much CO2 is emitted. These are the facts:
We know that we emit 24 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. The oceans are absorbing huge amounts (about 22 million tons a day) and becoming more acidic.
"...the process by which the ocean normally maintains its chemical equilibrium is glacially slow, severely limiting its capacity to adjust to an extreme shock...the massive influx of industrial emissions is just that."
As the pH drops, the calcium carbonate shells of coral and shelled sea creatures dissolve. That means Diatoms (a type of alga) die, and that has a ripple effect throughout the food chain. For more than 600,000 years, the ocean has had a stable pH, but since the industrial revolution, the pH has dropped 30% and it's getting worse. And yes, the earth is on a cycle of ocean acidification as well as warming. The last time the oceans were acidic, shelled organisms disappeared from the fossil record for 40,000 years and it took another 60,000 years to recover. I think that we should break our addiction to fossil fuels to at least slow down the acidification of the oceans. What do you think?