
What do you think about overseas employees?

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What do you think about overseas employees taking our jobs away for would make 12.00 per hour for customer service, they outsource the job overseas and pay them 4.00 per hour and don't worry about benefits, they can hire 3 for the price of one american. Dont you think this is BS and a part of why the unemployment is so high, no one here would work for 4.00 per hour 15 hours per day but they will because 4.00 to them is like 40.00 what can we do to stop this?




  1. Oddly, I am neutral.  

    Although I am upset with the drop in quality when services get passed onto overseas resources, I can see where businesses are playing with the statistics (they are ok with a certain amount of disgruntled consumers, so they will lower that bar to save more money).

    However, I feel that to cling to these types of jobs is a lost cause.  We should look to jobs that are more local, such as service industry (with lots of customer face-to-face), smaller companies (that capitalize on quality & closer proximity to customers) and "last mile" jobs, where the work is specialized, less easily commoditized and direct to customers (you could say like catering, restaurants, big box etc.)

    Mind you that I am speaking in terms of "blue-collar" type jobs.  I think in terms of our youth, we should show them that professional (white collar) careers pay more and are harder to replace.  And the quality and funding of that education is better in the US than overseas.  We cannot give them the expectation that they will clock in and out in the same 9-to-5 job as their parents did and expect the world to stay the same.

    America was made through the ingenuity (hard work) of people, not really "hard labor".  Dust bowl farmers did not just stay and wallow in their lot in life, they either stuck it out or moved on.  

    The US financial markets stay ahead of the world financials because they are nimble, not static.

    I say stop fighting for lost jobs and work the new ones that are already making the overseas workers WANT to work HERE and not THERE!

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