
What do you think about owning pets?

by  |  earlier

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according to PETA,it's "specieist" and "cruel". i don't know about you, but i find that offensive. who here agrees, and thinks that peta is ridiculous?




  1. I agree with you.   These animals, especially domesticated ones like dogs and cats, are much better off with a caring pet owner than out in the wild.

  2. as long as u treat them right and give them love i think it is great. although some neglect and abuse their pets, that i have a problem with

  3. I love my dog more than I love most people. I think the PETA organization is extremely unrealistic about animal rights, and ignorant for that matter.

    The person who posted above me is 100% right. Dogs and cats have been bred to rely on people for survival. They cannot survive with out us.

  4. It is wrong to OWN a pet but it's not wrong to be a GUARDIAN to a homeless animal.

  5. The PeTA hardline about "owning" companion animals is one of the reasons I don't involve myself with them.  I think there are way too many pets whose lives are not ideal because there are way too many bad owners.  But that doesn't change the fact that some animals have evolved alongside humans and have shared mutually agreeable relationships with us for millenia.  I don't think my relationship with my dog is exploitative (unless you count him using his cuteness to con me out of food.)

  6. The key word in your question is OWN.  I do OWN my pets and I can keep or dispose of them as I wish.

  7. um, i'm pretty sure it's the other way around in my house.  the dogs rule us......

    they are so freaking speciest!!! they are taking advantage of us....we feed them, bathe them, allow them to sleep under our roof, let them out when they want out and let them in when they want in, we buy them toys and treats...and they only thing they give us in return is unconditional love.  HOW DARE THEY?!

  8. I like how you think. Peta is ridiculous.

  9. I do own pets and I love them with all my heart. The thing is this world is not the same as it used to be. All strays are taken in to animal shelters and if no home is found for them they are put down. Owning pet is not cruel. Cruel is letting them wonder around to get killed on roads and by people who have no heart. So I agree with you that peta is ridiculous.

  10. PETA is great in some aspects, but totally off the wall in others. I don't consider myself an owner of my pets. I consider my pets part of the family. They sleep on the couches, on the bed, eat off our plates, etc. If anything: they OWN US! I married a Farmer and live on land with horses and cows and more work goes into taking proper care of these animals than homeless people living under the bridge a couple towns over will ever receive. So pet "ownership" being elitest I ask this: are millions of cats and dogs, horses and cows, etc supposed to walk the earth without being neutered or spayed, fed or innoculated? Are we supposed to share the highways with heards of domesticated animals that should be wild because PETA says they should? Where else would these animals receive the love and attention and care they deserve?

  11. u should of put this inthe pet section so you get more responses., you and girl above me all look alike LOL

  12. okay, i am a full on supporter of peta,

    but i think keeping a pet is fine, as long as its not exotic.

    animals like birds shouldnt be kept in cages,

    and fish shouldnt be kept in bowls,

    [i think large aquariums are fine]

    i see nothing wrong with keeping cats/dogs/fish,


  13. having a pet is a good thing.i mean you can have fun with it and do fun things with it.why listen to some stupid website

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