
What do you think about parents taking their kids into R rated movies?

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There's nothing I hate more than when I'm in an R rated movie and I see parents bringing little kids with them. The other day I was in Step Brothers and I saw a mother bringing in her 2 kids and I wanted to scream at her. There are s*x scenes, cussing and it actually showed a man's balls and I just can't believe a mother would bring her kids to that. I see this at almost every R rated movie I've been to.

Does this anger anyone else??




  1. That is disgusting! She should have not brought her kids there!

  2. Some parents dont care how their children turn out these days.  its a pretty trashy thing to do.

  3. I have to agree with James L, I think it depends on the age but also the type of movie. I haven't seen Step Brothers, but I wouldn't take a child under the age of 13 or 14 to see something like that. But when they are 15 or 16, I don't really see a problem with it.  

  4. I don't like it one bit. I went and seen The Dark Knight with a couple of my friends and there were parents bringing in their kids to go see it. The Joker isn't a swell character for kids to see since hes all twisted like...

  5. I dont see a problem at all, they are her kids, I mean your kid can wait until its in high school to leard what "balls" are and cuss words because you are sheltering them, and the other kids who saw R rated movies will be the cool kids

  6. Depends How Old They Are

  7. I don't think about them at all because what business is of mine?  I go to R rated movies where parents bring a young child (under 4).  10 minutes into the movie the kids are asleep.  

    Why work up angst?  You have no control over it.  Do what is best for your kids.

  8. It is perfectly legal to do, but it isn't right.

  9. I absolutely hate it when parents do that!! I couldn't imagine taking my son to an R rated movie! Some people are so dumb!!

  10. stupid i mean come on why do they even bring their kids in go to a pg rated movie morans  

  11. The MPAA rates these movies for a reason. To me it depends on the kids. I wouldnt bring my 5 or 11 year old, no. You said they were little kids, yeah that would upset me. My 14, 15 or 17 year olds are a different story because of their maturity levels and if they are with me, its my choice. Some are even questionable for my 14 and 15 year old. It depends on the movie. Remember some things you see wrong or wouldnt do isnt what others would necssarily do.

    If it were little kids, I personally think they had no business being there. The mom should have brought them to see Wall-E or something deemed age appropriate. Some parents just dont use their brains.

  12. You all would do better if you went to church as a family instead of wasting money on mindless movies.

  13. I think theres times its appropriate and theres times its not. If the parent already knows what is in the movie and they think it is approprate enough for there child then its ok. But if there letting there child see a mans balls thats wrong

  14. not all r rated movies have dangling balls,

    some have been rated for other reasons.

    i do take 3 of my 9 to some r rated,based on there maturity and the reason for the r rating,not s*x scenes,

    bucket list, rated r, a great flick

  15. Its completely OK if its thier parents. I grew up watching horror and rated R movies since I was like 9-10. My parents didnt belive hold me back and keeping things from or trying to lock me down from stupid Sh@t like movies. There are bigger things to protect your kids from.

  16. Irresponsible parents it's really a fact of life and it cannot be changed

  17. Yeah, I feel like saying, Does your childs innocence mean anything to you? But, I can't they aren't my kids. I won't let my daughter see any R rated films until she is mature enough to the point where I know she is. We will talk about them and the reasons behind why I want her to wait, but my parents made me wait and I don't have any hard feelings about it. What I really hate is when I see 6 year olds watching shows on t.v. like Next and other BS. Also, I have no problems with nudity, s*x, and things of that nature, but in my opinion I don't think a 6 year old should see people making love, but like I said IMO

  18. They are R rated for a reason.  

    That being said, we have a program here called Stars and Strollers, where very young children can be brought to the theatres so that Mom's can watch new released movies and not have to worry about disturbing others with their crying children.  But we are talking Newborn-18 months

  19. oh ya. I question the parents values.

  20. i dont think its bad

    some families are more open with their kids and tell them all about that stuff

    besides whats so bad about s*x, swears, and nudity?

    it's not like it's gonna traumatise them and they'd probably have a good time watching that movie so whats the harm

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