
What do you think about persian accent?

by  |  earlier

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i have persian accent and i wanna know your opinion about this accent!




  1. Honestly, I've never heard of a persian accent.

    But persian is a pretty language!  And I like all accents.  It makes people unique...

  2. it's a great accent. practice makes perfect.  

  3. I think its sound like a Russian accent

  4. hate it i know persian accents and don't like it at all

  5. its like someone is trying to say English words and sentences in the same pronunciation and way of expression that they would if they were to say the equivalent of that same word or sentence in Farsi.

    Trying to pick up how people with English as their mother tongue say things, or watching them on TV and practising will help to get rid of it... if you're not happy with it of course! :)

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