
What do you think about plastic surgery?

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I've always wanted to get a nose job. My nose doesn't look too bad but its not the best looking nose either. I know that no ones perfect but I am uncomfortable with my nose. My mom says everyone who has gotten plastic surgery looks fake and its very noticeable. Is this true and if so what should I do?




  1. No I don't agree with your mom because in some cases it actually isn't noticeable, nose job wise. I think if you're really apt to get the surgery, do it. Tell your mom it actually isn't that noticeable because some people are born with a small, cute nose & it's just hard to tell. The only plastic surgery that is noticeable is a lip augmentation because the lips look puffy & unnatural whereas a nose job, not at all.  

  2. I don't have a cute nose, but yet I don't want someone to cut off my nose and put a new one.

  3. You wont learn to appreciate a nose that isn't yours. Love your nose. Buy Quilton

  4. your mom is just old school. plastic surgery rules.

  5. u can tell who gets 1  but   y would u do that??? every body unique in their own way  

  6. Your mom is right. It is really noticeable and looks so fake and nasty. I mean it might make you look hotter but if it looks fake, which most likely it will, it's just a turn off.

  7. I think whatever makes you happy. I want bigger titties, and if I ever had the money to do it, you're d**n right I would. If you REALLY are that uncomfortable with your nose, find a VERY GOOD SURGEON (so you dont end up even more unhappy with your new, very expensive nose!) Being comfortable with yourself is key to many things in life, so if you really want to improve your self image, do so. Its your body. And nobody is perfect, and you wont be, but your not trying to be. Everybody tries to improve their looks. Think of it this way: People alter the way they look daily by using make up, fake tanners, waxing eye brows, etc. Plastic surgery is enhacing the way you look also...just in a very permanent way. :) Good luck if you go through with it, and **** what others have to say about it.

    And it wont look FAKE if you find good pictures of really nice noses you like, and find a great surgeon. Be patient, and don't let things like location, convienence, and price be a deciding factor...its pretty permanent!

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