
What do you think about poetry? writing poetry, songs, short stories, essays, etc.? do you like writing?

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does writing help you?

help you vent!

i like to journal from time to time!




  1. i LOVE to write although sometimes i'm not sure that it's always very good.. i wrote a short story once that took place somewhere in the north during winter, and circled mainly around the aurora borealis or the northern lights. that is my favorite kind of subject.

    i don't like essays much, as they usually tell you what to write about..

    i think music is a great way to say what you want to say..


    beta j.

  2. definitely helps.

    i like to write myself out of situations.

    like i'll just be so upset and my fingers will be like "I NEED KEYS" so i go to my keyboard and just start writing and it's crazy how it makes me feel so much better.

    but hey, it works. and i'm glad i have it, i love it. i've always wondered if other people have it too, you know?

  3. I am a failed writer. I wrote fiction from when I was 9 until I was 48. I wrote poems, plays, novels, short stories. When I was in high school I was unable to write in proper tenses, my spelling was atrocious and I used a lot of antiquated words. but my teachers said I had some interesting ideas.

    In college my girlfriend offered to edit some of my stories. She said I used waaay too much passive voice and my pacing was poor and I needed more descriptions in my stories. She never finished a single project (editing wise,) for 25 years! I went to other editors, but they didn't FIX the stories, they handed me sheets of corrections, and when I was done typing them, they had twice as many errors because my reading comprehension level is 20%. No editor would REWRITE for me, for 30 years.

    I wrote a really great story at 48 years old and sent it to the New Yorker. They chose a corny joke piece instead, something a baboon could write. I showed my ex-girlfriend from college this story. She said it was passive voice, too fast and too little description. She was right. I haven't improved in 25 years. If only people would have been HONEST about my lack of talent, I could have not wasted 40 years writing garbage!

    I am not actually much of a reader, (20% comprehension rate.) but I do like to read stuff on the internet and make some basic observations. I have been very surprised by the number of really good poets trying their stuff out in Yahoo. But I really think poetry is dead in America, so I don't know what people waste their time in here for.

    PS: It has been a few year since, and I decided for personal history, not art, to write my autobiography. Using Word, I am able to weed out passive voice, and guess what? Without the passive voice, my writing reads like total c**p!

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