
What do you think about...???

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I was at the mall pretty much all day and I got home around 3:45 in the afternoon and was really hungry. Since we usually don't eat until my moms fiance gets home (6:30ish) I decided id make some pasta to eat. All I have on my pasta is a little bit of butter and some Parmesan cheese.

As I was making it my mom starts FLIPPING out screaming at me. I was soo confused because I didn't understand why she was soo angry. She was flipping out because she made cabbage rolls 3 days ago and there was still some left over in the fridge and she wanted me to eat them instead of the pasta. I told her nicely that I didn't feel like cabbage rolls and that id make some pasta and do the dishes after and clean up the mess. She then continued screaming at me and i told her I didn't want to fight with her and she stood up and got in my face and put her finger right in my face and was screaming in my face. I walked away and she then took her keys and took her car and speeded off somewhere.

I honestly don't get why she was sooo angry

What do you think about this??

(Im 18 years old by the way)




  1. if ur 18 u can do whatever the h**l you want ur mom was probably stressed abt something that happend earlier were u previously in a fight?? let me know!??

  2. maybe her and her fiance are having problems you dont know about, or it could be something else shes having a problem with, give her time, if it gets worse, confront her about it, if it gets better, she probably just had some troubles that are making her angry and edgy... good luck

  3. pshh i would blow that popsicle stand.. ur 18.. can you drive? i would drive away and never come bcak.....


    btw....what are cabbage rolls????


  5. She probably has been having a bad day and is just taking it out on you. She shouldn't flip out over food like that.

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