
What do you think about ...?

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Lately I am often finding very nice butterflies - not a collectionaire, but cant not take smth so nice as their colours when they being on my way - -Then I put them in some beloved books.

A very interesting situation happened when reading the book for Runas of Kenneth Meadows- as from nowwhere a butterfly -white with black lines falled down to the bench on what I was sitting to read.I took it and placed on the cover -under a plastic envelop.This was a really big and very styled examplaire.I hope the energy of the authour,-big Shaman wouldn't be offensed such flier to stay near his name.

Do you think this could be a sign that one could get into Runas knowledge ?




  1. I'm sorry, but this question makes absolutely no sense to me. Are you mass murdering butterflies to keep as trophies? Would you like it if someone did that to you? Why do you put them in your books?

  2. Right now I'm thinking of the dead butterflies.Could they be coming to you for a purpose other then suicide?

  3. Give the poor fella or chick a break.  I think the gist of what is being said is that these butterflies are appearing out of the blue and dropping dead in front of him or her.  They are dead, so he/she collects them, puts them in a book.

    OK, OK, I love butterflies and certainly wouldn't keep the dead ones if they did suicide all around me, but.... it did happen one time that birds of all kinds kept dropping dead around me, and NO, I did not keep them in boxes in my garage. (Think of the stench as well as the morbidity of such a collection)

    So let's look at the significance of the butterflies without reading into the book thing.  Butterflies are usually (not always) symbolic of change.  So if you keep seeing them or if they keep appearing, you need to change what you are doing in your life, OR, accept change as being inevitable and stop fighting it!  End of my soliloquy.

  4. I agree with leviticu... you're in the wrong field. Switch to flowers the colors have more meaning and you could go on for daze. (Pun intended)  

    The kaleidoscope and the rainbow are yours for the taking !(picking or plucking would've been better) I would skip the book reading only clutters the mind. Get out there and bag some peonies and philodendrons while you can.

  5. I think you should collect and press flowers rather than butterflies, so many more species, more colors and a much more tasteful display.

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