
What do you think about "Ahmadi Nejad" president of Iran ?

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What do you think about "Ahmadi Nejad" president of Iran ?




  1. He needs to stop a bullet with his head.

  2. i have more important thing in my life than think about my president !

  3. He has denied the Holocaust.

    He had an "academic seminar" on how the Holocaust didn't exist.

    He invited former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke as an honored guest.

    He has said Israel is a "stinking corpse" that should be wiped off the face of the earth.

    He has said the world would be better off without America.

    He has said, "there are no g*y people in Iran."

    He is helping construct a nuclear arsenal for an unstable country.

    In terms of his actual efficacy as President of Iran, he is widely reviled in Iran.  He has ignored domestic problems while the cost of living for average Iranians has skyrocketed.  An oil-rich nation is now rationing oil and he keeps calling negative attention to the country when it doesn't need any more problems!

    He was hugely rebuked in recent elections where his political foes swept to power in the Legislature.

    What do I think of Ahmadinejad?  What the Iranians think of him: he needs to go!

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