
What do you think about races “mixing”? 10 pts?

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So I hear that before we know it, the all world’s races will pretty much dissolve… There won’t be “white,” “black,” or “Asian” people anymore, because races will mix and procreate more and more. Everyone will be “beige,” and race won’t be distinguishable anymore.

My question is, do you think that this is a good or bad thing? I personally thought it would be great, but my friend was saying how things might actually get WORSE… like people might start discriminating others based on eye/hair color.

What do you think??

Any comments welcome!




  1. I think that that is something that is already going on....the discrimination of hair/eye color, and that that is something that people can easily identify as a means to look at. If it's not the hair or eyes, it's a persons nose, or clothes, or how skinny they are or whatever is different.

  2. races mixing??? datz definately a good thing, infact an awesome thing !!! if only there were more people who thought the same !!! if we all wud live together as one, that wud hev been so much better but it's never gonna be ....I suppose just because there are some people who are against this idea of living as one !!! no matter how much we try and live as one, a villain will definately appear...I am not taking someone under concern here, just being frank however, it wud have been really good if people wud start taking action on this point !!! if we can eat and live in a world consisting of different colours, then,why can't we live with the people of different colours??? why are the whites considered as the most clean ones or as " chicken" (wen offending) and why are the "blacks" considered as dirty ???? I am not against any race here, but please, do give a thought to this question dear readers, and if you can then, answer this !!!

    yea and one more point- if we all wud finally appreciate each other and become friends, then, why wud we fight in da 1st place??? I totally disagrre with da previous answerer -(harryh) !!! I know that suicide bombing is wrong,etc but everyone makes mistakes, NO ONE OR NO RACE IS SPECIAL,DIFFERENT OR PERFECT !!!

  3. Bad idea

    You would have bunch of uneducated yet somehow still arrogant (White American), lazy and thieving (African American), greedy (jewish) short with undersized genitals (Asian), slow (mexican),

    fat (latin women over 30), drunk (canadian), pothead (jamaican),

    periodontal impaired (brits) bunch of suicide bombers who use their own hands to wipe themselves (middle-eastern).  

    Is that really what you want our society to become?

  4. Great idea.  And the end of the day we will be chocolate!

    Chocolate Good!

  5. I think its absoluetly necessary...thats the only way we'll stop discriminating  based on skin color and pay more attention of personalities..I mean I love seeing all different types of people but we need mixed races for world peace.

  6. Even if we all shared similar skin color, we humans would find other ways to separate ourselves from others.  There's proof of this already.

    Take any one race of people and you can see how they will divide themselves further by class (monetary status), religion, government, physical prowess, popularity, etc., etc.  

    "Race Mixing" is fine and it's more common than some admit.  Fairly uneducated and foolishly scared people will believe there is a threat from "mixing".  It's not just Black & White anyway.  That just seems to be the most controversial pairing.  There is some evidence that points to genetic strength in the diversity of genes.  This is true in humans, animals and plants.

    The real issue is compassion and understanding of one another... regardless of what we believe we are.

  7. if you think about it when people first came to america it was itailans and irish and a that kind of stuff and there was discrimination. now when you talk to someone its what nationalities are you and now at least for the most part everyone of thses people get along so yes it may be a good thing but also will take a lot to get there.

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