
What do you think about reducing the Interstate Speed Limit to 55 mph, in order to save fuel nation wide?

by  |  earlier

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I have noticed that by obeying th 60 mph speed limit on my commute to and from work, instead of going 70 mph like most of the other traffic, I am noticing about a 7% to 10% increase in my gas mileage. I drive a work truck with a V8, which I know doesn't get great gas mileage anyways, but it got me to thinking. I remember growing up that the Interstate Speed Limit was 55 mph. I thought that if I am seeing that kind of difference, what kind of difference would we all see if the Speed Limit was dropped? What kind of impact would it make to the environment? What kind of impact would it make to the oil companies pocket book? Would it be enough to have the prices come back down to a more acceptable level? Just some points I am pondering as I wonder about fuel costs for my upcoming trip.




  1. won't help

    55 is too slow

    60 to 65 is good speed if you have good tires and well maintained vehicle.

    ppl will always drive fast setting the limit to 55 will just increase the number of speeding tickets

  2. Well it most likely would.

    That stinks about your V8. Hopefully you bought it prior to early 07. If not, well then you should have known better.

    The gas is going to keep rising.

    Hold on!

  3. Reducing the speed limit to 55 MPH is a bad idea. It was tried in the 1970's and resulted in no fuel savings.

  4. It won't make any difference. There is no shortage of fuel. There was back in the 1970's because the Arab countries wouldn't sell us oil. That's not the problem today. The only difference you would see is people driving slower, and the price of gas will stay the same.

    Here's what people fail to understand - After the Arab oil embargo in the 1970's, the oil industry in the USA was deregulated by the government. This left the oil companies free to do as they pleased and many companies were acquired by other companies. In the 30 years since, the oil industry gained control of every facet of the production, refining. distribution and sale of petroleum products. If drving slower reduced the demand for gasoline, these mega oil companies would simply reduce production, thus artificially manipulating the prices, and prices would remain high in order to preserve the record profits the oil companies now enjoy.

  5. Hey John you wouldn't be saying that if you lived in the middle of the country and the closest town was 50-60 miles away. You want to drive 55 be my guest but leave everyone else decide for themselves.

  6. Nope. If you wanna drive that slow, stay in the right lane. Let the rest of us drive how we like. I would keep driving 70 even if they dropped it to 55. I was smart enough to buy a house I could afford, a car that runs good and is economic, and I can afford my gas. If you want to drive slow, don't maek everyone else do it for gas. Safety is one thing, gas prices is another.

  7. It is a great idea.  I think activists should choke the highways and enforce everyone to drive at 55, maybe we wouldn't need to invade Iran.

  8. You are correct about saving gas at 55.


    But the law will not change.  The federal government have been twisting the arms of state government to raise the speed limit (or lose hwy funding.

    Besides, the federal government does really think that we have a crisis.  Back in the 70, we used to line up for hours just to get 10 gallon (every day).


    Good Luck...

  9. no it wouldnt work, maybee a fast and slow lane?

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