
What do you think about school nut bans?

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I've read that a lot of schools are banning children from bringing anything nut related in their lunches to school. What do you as a parent think about this?

I personally think it is ridiculous. As much as I sympathize with a child who has a nut allergy and as much as I know it is very dangerous for them to ingest nuts, let's face it, nuts are everywhere! You ever flipped over a package and read the back? A lot of items state: "May contain traces of nuts" even if you think it isn't classified as a nut product.

It would make more sense to me if they just had a separate table at lunch dedicated to those with nut allergies. That way the teacher can keep an eye out as well.

I just don't see why a parent and a child should be responsible for another child's allergy and possibly life. Imagine the guilt your child would feel if they accidentally brought a PB sandwich to school and their friend died because of it? Banning nuts is not the solution, educating the child with the allergy is.




  1. Sorry, i didnt read all that but i read the title and i knew what i was going to say. I think its rediculous. The child should be aware they are allergic to it, and not accept any nut related foods. It is their responsibility or their parents to patrol it.

    My daughter is very allergic to bee stings, and i dont see her school taking away all the bees?

    Its a stupid rule and all the time put into making it needs to be put into something more effective,

    like education on obesity or even patroling what the child puts in their own mouth, not what everyone else has in their lunchbox!

    Libby x

  2. As a parent with a child with food allergies, I think its crazy.

    My child knows what to eat and what not to eat.

    I believe you can "Thank" the lawyers for this one.

  3. Ridiculous! What will be next?

  4. I think it's annoying because peanut butter is one of the only things my son will freakin' eat! But, with that being said- I understand it, kids can DIE just breathing in the air where nuts they're allergic to have recently been and I don't think that's worth the risk. We can't trust elementary-school aged children to protect themselves, it's not realistic. And if a kid "accidentally" brought a peanut butter sandwich to school and killed a kid, it's their parents fault- that's negligence, not accidental. I can't believe that anyone would be so selfish that they would be ok with putting other people's kids lives at risk. Geez, have a heart!

  5. alot of ppl are allergic to nuts.

  6. My little sister has had a nut allergy for years. She carries round adrenaline injectors with her where ever she goes, and yes, if someone eats something nutty at lunchtime, doesnt wash their hands, touches my sisters hand, then she touches her mouth, there's a decent chance she could die. Very unlikely obviously, but her eyes swell up terribly if she's around anyone who's eaten nuts recently.

    Not taking nuts to school is a pretty trivial loss considering the amount of discomfort the minority is saved.

  7. I totally agree with you - your arguments are very strong.

    My son's elementary school had this ban - first with peanuts, then sunflower seeds, and now it's all nuts.

    I really think it's up to the family/child to deal with this - not force restrictions like this on 200+ other kids.

    If I had a child with a life-threatening allergy, I'd be homeschooling, I can tell you that.

    One giant IRONY - here, there are restrictions in elementary schools, so that's to the end of Grade 8. No restrictions at the high schools -- what the heck changes over that summer???

    My son was totally happy to start high school so he could have his PB sammies again, and home baking!

  8. I agree with you totally. I don't have an allergy to nuts BUT I DO have a shellfish allergy. When I was in highschool there was a kid who really loved to eat seafood salad sandwiches. The first time he did the reason I knew he'd eaten it around me was b/c I puffed up like a big balloon after wiping the table down after lunch. Since I hadn't actually ingested it it didn't make my throat swell but it did make me pretty uncomfortable for the next few hours and made him feel pretty lousy since we were friends. BUT did I tell him not to eat his favorite food? NO! After that he (and anyone else who had any kind of seafood ...even tuna although I'm not allergic to it!)  just told me so that I took extra care to stay away from them, not clean up after them, etc. They should not have to change their lives around b/c of me.

    I really feel for the kids with these allergies and I'm grateful my kids don't have these issues. I know how hard it is to deal with a food allergy.  But these parents need to teach their kids how to handle their allergies in a world that has hidden dangers everywhere. Because let's face it. When they are adults and they walk outside there isn't going to be a ban on nuts everywhere they go. They need to be able to deal with their allergy in a realistic way and banning things is not the way to go.

  9. Is that how you would want your child treated because of something they could not control? Isolate them from everyone else? Pure ignorance is all this question is.

  10. My son's school is a nut free zone (as well as anything with traces of nuts.) This is due to a prep child having a severe life threatening nut allergy.

    Yes, it does make packing his lunch box difficult, but if it gives the parent peace of mind then it is worth it. I would want the same thing if it were my child.

  11. I think you are rather selfish

    Imagine if your child had a life threatening allergy and everyone around them was eating and breathing it

    it's living in fear your whole life because a few parents can't be botherd putting VEGEMITE or JAM in a sandwhich

  12. I think it is stupid!

  13. well my child is 6 and her school has a nut ban so at the canteen they have canned all nut products so the food there is tasteless and they charge u a arm and leg for it to but i still send my child to school with  nutella and stuff why should the  whole school suffer and change there life style for two  kids that attend that one school i tell my child not to sit near the kids that are allergic when she has her lunch

  14. May you be blessed with a child with a nut allergy in future.

    Your attitude is so ridiculous it doesn't deserve a reply.  It's obvious it's just your ignorance talking.

    Besides if your mother has been packing you peanut butter sandwiches all these years, you've certainly been missing out on a nutritious lunch.

    SELFISH, SELFISH ignorant people.

    I can't believe you are parents, may your worst nightmares come true.

    And that people is why you need RULES and LAWS.

    Because morons exist in this world.

  15. I think a nut ban is fine. If it was my child that had the allergy, I wouldn't want other kids to put thier life at risk. It is only humane to do the samr for another persons child. I have explained this to my children too.

    With this said...the child needs to be aware of thier condition too. The ban on nuts in school is just an added precaution. I have heard of the cases of anaphylactic shock caused by the fumes from a sandwhich, or a tiny amount that was on someones hand, then on a doorknob. There was  a case where a girl died and they thought at first it was caused by kissing her boyfriend who had eaten a PBJ earlier in the day. I think it actually ended up being something else, but just the thought scares me. and the idea of another child knowingly chasing a child with an allergy with a PBJ is both shocking and realistic. Kids can be so viscious and mean.

    how would you feel if a student with a farm helped harvest the hay, and came to school all covered in hay dust...and gave her a big hug to see if she just sneezed or would really stop breathing?

  16. I have a 5yr old nephew how is allergic to nuts and he has been educated about it, he reads the labels on everything to check for nut or sesame or eggs and if he is somewhere were there is food he will always ask first to make sure there is nothing with these ingredients. it might sound excessive to some people but you have to understand what these kids go through everyday being afraid of dyeing if they eat something wrong. we cant even eat nuts if we are going to be in contact with him, all the kids at his school had to be educated but whats to say there isn't going to be some smart *** kid who thinks its a big joke and chases the other kids with peanut butter sandwiches or something or slipped something in a kids lunch just to see what happens, that's what bothers me!! If parents want their kids to have nuts so badly then why cant they have them as an after school snack or with breaky.

    When all it takes is the smallest amount of a nut to kill a kid you have to be so carefull!!!!!

  17. I think you making a very good point here.

    Why should some children lose out on having certain products in their lunchboxes just because another child MIGHT be affected by it.

    Shouldn't the message be:  Eat your own lunch!

    I think it is another example of schools going over the top :-)

  18. It actually makes me quite sad to read what you have written. I can't believe people like you exist!

    My daughter has a nut allergy.

    It is always better safe than sorry.

    I think it is great to ban nuts at schools, especially kindy, primary, etc. And even if my daughter was not allergic to nuts - I would not care, it would be absolutely no problem for me to ban nuts from my childrens school lunches.

  19. The difference is that your daughter will not die if she holds hands with someone who's been on one of those field trips and then chews a fingernail.

    Kids with allergies are still kids. I agree that they have to learn to take responsibility for their own medical problems - but when they are small I do think a belt and braces approach is best, so that if they do something they shouldn't it's unlikely to be disastrous.

  20. You need to understand that by banning nuts, the school is taking reasonable precaution to prevent an allergic reaction to nuts.

    It may not be reasonable to remove every item that contains traces, or make every child wash their hands every morning before they may enter school to prevent a reaction. However, it is reasonable just to ban the nuts.

    As a teacher, I have had children who are allergic to nuts. If they come into contact, they may die very quickly. I have watched these children like a hawk at eating times, and been very cautious to ensure that other children don't accidentaly cause a reaction with their food.

    I don't want a child in my care to die of a reaction to nuts. I'm sure you would feel the same way. If you don't, then by all means, get a teaching degree, have some children with anaphylaxic nut allergies, and then allow the other children to bring peanut butter sandwiches. I'm sure you would change your tune.

  21. I don't mind schools banning nuts.  What I do mind is parents who go overboard by telling me what kind of cake I should serve at my daughter's birthday party (an egg-free, dairy-free, nut-free "cake.")  I had this happen and I had to go to 3 different grocery stores to buy expensive ingredients to make a cake that tasted like c**p.  I didn't even get a thank-you in return.  Live and learn - I'll never do that again.  I think it's important to remember that it's not just peanuts.  We have parents at our school who say their children  have a life-threatening allergy to eggs, dairy, and wheat.  And it's not just school lunches.  Kids can no longer make gingerbread houses during the holidays....they can't cook and bake in the classroom.....certain field trips were banned because food was involved.  Where is this sense of entitlement coming from?  I think it's gone too far.

  22. You wouldn't think it was ridiculous if your child had a nut allergy.

    There are thousands of products on the market that do not contain nuts, it isn't that hard.

    Singling out a child is pure ignorance. If you don't like it, tough luck.


    PMSL!! Your child is allergic to hay, and you want to compare that to a nut allergy. hehe!! You are nuts!!

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