I've read that a lot of schools are banning children from bringing anything nut related in their lunches to school. What do you as a parent think about this?
I personally think it is ridiculous. As much as I sympathize with a child who has a nut allergy and as much as I know it is very dangerous for them to ingest nuts, let's face it, nuts are everywhere! You ever flipped over a package and read the back? A lot of items state: "May contain traces of nuts" even if you think it isn't classified as a nut product.
It would make more sense to me if they just had a separate table at lunch dedicated to those with nut allergies. That way the teacher can keep an eye out as well.
I just don't see why a parent and a child should be responsible for another child's allergy and possibly life. Imagine the guilt your child would feel if they accidentally brought a PB sandwich to school and their friend died because of it? Banning nuts is not the solution, educating the child with the allergy is.