
What do you think about shooting a protected Snake, a harmless to humans Python about 150 cms long?

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Its on my conscience.........,

..............Someone who I used to call a friend, used his air rifle to kill an Amythyst Jungle Python, I asked him not to shoot it as it was protected, it was only thier because of his avairy collection, a couple of breeding Parrots, the snake had got in & one of the parrots was dead on the floor with a heart attack he reckond, & the other was being digested .. ... thanks for dinner, & shot at point blank range!

It was still in the breeding log.

I lost all respect for him, but now I've I heard, he shot another Python!

He is 61 years old & the air rifle was a gift when he was 14yrs, he doesn't have a license to own a gun, & niether is the rifle registred, which makes it illegal 100%. Australia are stricked about the gun control & as a responsible shooter I found that appalling, so what do now? Let him keep his death to snakes, or call the authorities & have his guns destroyed not to mention get. charged? He is the owner of a big Pet store too!!!!!!




  1. Feed him to a big python , joking but the guy is bad.

  2. Unfortunately older people make really bad choices with guns and it will keep getting worse the longer he has guns.  Please turn him in for the sake of our diminishing wildlife. What next? At least your in a position that will make a difference. Thank you!

  3. Wow, what a b*****d. Call the authorities and own him.

  4. Excuse me,who has more right to live the birds in their cage or the snake that BROKE in?He had every right to shoot it.

  5. Let authorities deal with it....someone should.

  6. The Python in question was protected so it is against the law to kill it. It is actually quite ironic that this guy owns a pet store and he can so casually kill the animal. If someone can so casually kill a creature-no less a protected creature- they do not deserve the respect. If he has a gun he should know to stay cool headed.

    But because he was your friend before I wouldn't report him. But I would cut off from him.

  7. tell the authorities..

    if this continues.. more snakes/pythons/animals would be killed

  8. I think you should call the authorities. If you do not, more animals will be harmed. Think about that.

  9. I doubt if you need a licence to own an air gun (at age 61) so the authorities may not be able to stop this behavour.

    Like all other wild animals the python was doing its thing and in response your ex-friend also did his, regardless of whether the action was against the law. As humans we are a part of nature, which confirms us with the right to kill. However, at this rate we will manage to eliminate all of the other life-forms which will leave our "posterity" in a bad condition. It is a bigger question than simply the life of a rare snake, which probably from its name, belongs in the jungle and not in a pet's store.

    As a pet-store owner your ex-friend is probably helping more animal life to exist (by protecting it) rather than by eliminating it, even if his motives could possibly be one of exploiting these animals and selling them. Suppose all the snakes were eliminated (as is supposed to be the case in Ireland), maybe posterity would not be so badly off, after all we also want to eliminate certain bacteria, and they are also life-forms.

    So I have a reverse question, where should the killing of harmful wild animals stop?

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