
What do you think about some churches keeping body parts as relics in their altars?

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I know this used to be done. I'm not sure if it's still done..or would even be allowed legally. Anyone know?




  1. You mean stuff like this of course.

    They seem to have misplaced Jesus's f******n recently (1983) and one Church in Italy claims that the Pope stole theirs.

    Yes the Church still keeps bones and body parts as well as complete cadavers as relics.

  2. ew... thats sick- i neva knew

  3. Keeping body parts as relics is an old practice and a thriving business. Please don't let anyone know that I'm secretly a saint. I still use all my body parts. I was also hoping to be buried with them.

    (Last Voice)

  4. woow.. i find that quite scary.. honestly. i usually go to god for comfort when i am afraid.. and thinking that where i pray is where what i fear rests scares me..

  5. Oh yeah they still do that, Catholics have little bits of saints in churches everywhere.  I always wondered why they don't stink!?

  6. I've come across this as well, it is a bit macabre I must day.

  7. well I don't know they may like keeping them.

  8. When I saw relics in Italian churches, they weren't on the alter.  They were bones you could look at  in a special display area.

    If the intent was to inspire reverence, that was not the result.  I thought it was macabre.  

    And I did not sense anything supernatural.   I don't think the saints hang around their preserved bodies or bones scattered throughout numerous churches.

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