
What do you think about someone only have a few friends their entire life?

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I was always shy when I was young, REALLY shy, I found out later that I had social phobia. We also moved a lot when i was young, so the few friends i would meet and get close to, I had to move away from soon after.

I am not hardly as shy as i used to be, i've had to comeout of my shell to work and go to college, etc. For the past few years i've had the same 3 friends (plus a couple of not-as-close friends) and just recently I've purposly lost touch with them becasue I feel like we've grown apart. i'm in a relationship with a man that is my best friend and I spend most of my time with him when i'm not at work.

I always blame myself for not having enough friends. i meet people that meet new friends all the time and i wonder how they do it. i'm actually a really friendly person, but to make intimate connections with people and to become real friends is different.

What do you think of this? Do you think someone without a lot of friends is a loser? or do you think that most people only have a few close freinds and the rest are aquaintences? I'm just wondering what the general public thinks of this issue.




  1. It is ok to be a serious person and not have just a bunch of so-so friends.

    Friends and family can sometimes be a bad influence on you.

    Better to have a few close people you can really trust then a bunch of good time friends that turn their backs on you at the first sign of trouble.

  2. ~~I don't think any differently one way or another about a person by how many friends they choose to stay close with.  Allot of people are introverts and just don;t have a great need for allot of friends. Personally, I have lost touch with all my close friends. Between my family, work, and the way I choose to spend my time (always with family), I don't really need friends. I'm also somewhat introverted. I have allot of acquaintances, but no close friends. I'm happy this way. The most important thing is are you happy? If you miss having close friends, get involved in charity work or hobbies where you are apt to find people with your interests. This is the best way to find friends. Throughout life our interests change making it hard to keep a common ground with people you were very close with. I only know a handful of people who managed to stay close with people they've  known for years and years.~~  

  3. Wow, that's just like me (except I don't have a guy friend right now). I feel really bad for losing touch with my other two previously-really-close-friends, but I don't know how to get all intimate either since we're so far away. I think it's okay. Eventually, we'll all make new friends but still have a special place in our heart for the older ones.

  4. i think you are a special person. i don't think less friend make you a loser.

    everyone has fewer close friend and the rest are acquaintances, further more it depends on how you react to new people as a friend.

    i think you are a very talented person. when i mean by talented it is about a person that can live independently. scorpion zodiac is best for your personal.

  5. It's all in the eye of the beholder. If you are happy with a few close friends, then that's all that matters. If you want more friends, make an effort to cultivate more friendships. Many people are simply not outgoing and that is fine.

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