
What do you think about someone spending a child's SSI check for child support?

by  |  earlier

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These people that i know has temporary custody of their nephew who has ADHD and draws SSI for it...Ok well the man does not work at all and when that kid gets his check each month he pays child support out of it to 2 of his kids....What do you think about that? Why are people not ashamed to do things like that.....

They do take care of the kid but my god that man is too sorry to work and they have 3 kids of their own --4 counting his nephew...Why are people like this?




  1. Why are people like this?

    Because we let them.

    The government gives handouts to people who are more than capable of helping themselves.  

    Why work, when you can get a check?

  2. That is actually illegal. SSI is only to be spent for that child.  Like you can use it on rent but you have to divide your rent up between the number of people in the home and lets say you have 4 people (including the child) in your home then you can use some of the SSI money to cover 1/4 of your rent payment.  If they were reported they would face charges for it.  SSI is very specific about what the money can be used for.

  3. You know this is wrong....

    It is considered as ABUSe of funds if they are not caring for the child whom the funds are intended.

    You must make a judgement; the ball is in your court.

    People do things like this because others will sit back and point the finger and not take an action.

  4. Report them to social services. That is abusing the system.

  5. It sounds like a combination of greed and laziness...and that's really sad to hear.

  6. report him - he is not only stealing but also defrauding the government and also depriving the child of something that belongs to him. this guy should be ashamed of himself.

  7. SSI is to only be used for the care of the child receiving it.. so these people are abusing the system and should be turned in.

  8. You are saying that he is not using it to care for his nephew, but to pay child support to his kids?  You need to report him because there is a man that is abusing the system. The money is given to them to help the NEPHEW.  WRONG!!!!!!

  9. We live in a lost and fallen world, because of this we have disease like ADHD, and because of it we make bad decisions and commit wrong acts.

    In this world we often get squeezed and if we choose a quick fix, it makes it harder to resist the next time and the cycle goes deeper.

    The good news is that no matter what evil we commit we can still have salvation.  All we have to do is accept that Jesus has paid for our sins and we can be free.  Once we experience this and know forgiveness it makes it easier to resist evil.  We can follow the example of Christ and put the needs of the children we care for ahead of our own.

  10. Is the child been feed? Do you see the child with dirty and old clothes? Do you have any reason to believe that this child is not being well taken care of?  I mean... how are they feeding  4 children if the parents don't work? Is the man the one staying at home taking care of the children and the wife is the one working?? I mean....I am sure there is a more to this story than what you are just telling us, and do you have any proof of what you are saying? If you do, you can complain, I'm sure there is a phone number for SSI where you can call to report a suspicion of fraud to the system (or something like that) BUT just call if you are 100% sure that your allegations are true.

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