
What do you think about someone who says "God Bless" on their professional voicemail?

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Is it trendy?




  1. FREAK!

    I would go out of my way to NOT do business with them in the future.  I stopped going to one of my favorite restaurants when the owners started flouncing their christianity around.

  2. I would hung up and never ring again lol!

    I hate it when people bless me .. I dont want to be blessed from there God :)

  3. Sounds OK to me.

    GOD bless

  4. maybe trendy, but mostly annoying!

  5. It seems pretty innocent to me. I think that people who would be as offended as many of these answerers seem to be need to lighten up a bit. I'm a Christian, but if somebody said something like "the goddesses bless you" on their professional voicemail I might think they're a little kooky but I wouldn't be the least bit offended, nor would it stop me from establishing a professional relationship. Also, I don't think it's trendy, it probably just means they believe in God and want Him to bless you.

    I'd like to close this answer with something about removing a rod from somewhere wouldn't be very Christian of me.

  6. Personally, I'd stop using their services.  

  7. It's presumptuous, therefore, a little bigoted, if you ask me. But, at the very least, misplaced.

  8. Overcompensation... and I must admit, I would think that person is somewhat creepy. That is my own personal bias. But a message like that would be a nice quick way of saying to me, "hey, let's never hang out." It's also unprofessional.

  9. it shows someone is overly preoccupied with religion.  

  10. I think, "Great...another one."

  11. I try not to follow trends. They only tend to create social institutions. Like how it is now expected of women to shave their armpits. Trends are very sheepy

  12. How about "Have a blessed day"? That really gets to me.

    I do think it is unprofessional but if it's a privately owned business that's their prerogative.

  13. It seems to be popular but I find it quite unprofessional. Additionally, you do not have unrestrained freedom of speech while at work.

  14. I think it is nice. You really cannot go into more detail in voice message about who is your God though

  15. That all else being equal I would take my business elsewhere. I prefer to work with intelligent people.


    novalee : "...freedom of speech..."

    Yeah, it is. But one of the great things about free speech is that it comes with free listening, and free rating. We are free to hear the free speech of a silly person and determine from what they say that they are not a sensible person, and that our business is best done elsewhere.

    We also have the free speech right to contact their boss and inform them why our business is being taken elsewhere.

  16. Doesn't it come under the right of freedom of speech? Or is this society becoming so anti-god that even "god bless you" after a sneeze is also being questioned?

    To answer your question I think the "you" should have been added at the end...if they're going to bless then they should say who they're blessing.

  17. I think it shows that they care for their fellow human beings!

    I don't know about it being; "Trendy"!

    I usually say this or I say; "Blessings"

  18. I think they have an inferiority complex, and are seeking approval by appealing to a club which they mistakenly believe all humans seek to be members in.

    How's that for psychological profiling!

  19. Inse-fricking-cure about if the skygod loves them and trying to kiss up.  Really!

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