
What do you think about students taking the TCAP or other standardized tests?

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I am talking about special ed students taking the TCAP.




  1. It is a joke. It tests how well students take one standardized test--rather than apply their brain. And it does not consider different definitions of smart. We are in love with an assembly line version of 'smart' but I doubt very few people would exist in such a society. It would probally be like a terminator movie with the machines totally taking over everything.

  2. standardized testing is ******* BS!!!

    some people test well, others don't.

    They give you hardly any time in the sat and act for some questions, and for one to ACTUALLY recall distant mathematical solving strategies.

    one cannot possibly rely on testing to assess one's intelligence. yet, this is the choice we must make.

    testing has become a major component in college decision making. your fate often relys on how well you think in these closed situations. --fortunately some colleges will look at other ways to make certain one's intelligence--GPA and extra curricular activities, etc.

    if you don't test well then i suggest you make sure that you have fall back strong points.

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