
What do you think about surfing?

by Guest58358  |  earlier

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What do you think about surfing?




  1. I think it is amazing and the summer would not be the same without it. I don't get to go as often as I would like to but my kids go every single day and it kees them out of trouble. Its fun for all ages-my six year old started this summer and he is getting the hang of it.

    It is something we go as a family and there is nothing better(well maybe snowboarding)I think they are on par.

  2. I think surfing is fun!!!!!! because the best surfer is the one who is having the most fun and riding solo and getting your balance point

  3. I do not surf. It does look like a killer time though. It would cool to try it some day

  4. It's totally awesome dudette!

  5. it's the best way to put the world on pause!!!

  6. it is the best...I surf on the east coast, but I love it, try it, if you hate, then try something else...if you want to the next best thing, skimboard, it's fun to do when the waves suck

  7. I love smelling salt water

    I love feeling the water crash on the back of your board as you ride an awesome wave

    I love paddleing out during a rain storm

    I love "rolling over" and having a HUGE wave go over me

    I love coming out of the water in pitch black dark (because I surfed untill the sun went down) with my board on my head

    I love the rush it gives me

                        I guess I just really love surfing!!!!!!

  8. its the best thing ever, and its my life and i really enjoy it

  9. i love everything about it! ( EXCEPT for the sunburns and board rashes, YIKES!!! ) .

    I love being one with nature ( without having to go to Sequoia Nation Parks! )

    I love the adreneline you get from just being to stand or looking at it or even holding a surf board!

    to me , its just a naturally exciting , amazing , wonderful sport!

    its a great sport and more people should do it , instead of doing cults and such . but on the other hand alot of drugies do surf so i dont have eny thing on em..


    ( yeah i went there.. )

  10. I think surfing is fun. It'll help you control your balance, then if you're ready, you can try a skateboard

  11. As a great bumper sticker I saw recently says "SURFING SUCKS, DONT TRY IT."  :)

  12. i like it

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