
What do you think about taps Ghost hunters?

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What do you think about taps Ghost hunters?




  1. Good show.

  2. I enjoy Ghost Hunters not just because of the entertainment factor, but because Steve is really into it. Jason and Grant started the group, yeah, but Steve is very knowledgable about parapsychology. I find it interesting that people who have never investigated paranormal experiences can be so critical, but the fact is, these people deal with paranormal experiences every day. So they play to the camera when they're being filmed--would you really want to watch them if they didn't interact with the viewer at all? If you really want to see garbage paranormal research, watch Most Haunted on the Travel Channel. Not only is it c**p, but the people are idiots! JMO

  3. I watch the show as its one of the better shows out there concerning the topic. But regardless of the fact that its mainly geared towards entertainment, it still bothers me that they can't throw some scientific fact in there.

    They keep saying that they go in to debunk theories, well there have been several instances where I could easily debunk some of their evidence, especially the EVP work. It doesn't take a genius to have someone say something on the recorder and have them say that its an EVP. HELLO!!!

    When I watched the live TAPS Halloween show, the part that intrigued me the most was when Jason and Grant were under the hotel in the employee passageway and they heard a girl say "hello". I'm not saying its not possible that it wasn't on the UP AND UP, but they do have children of their own. So it's entirely possible that they got their daughters to put something on tape and play it back on voice activation. Just a thought here people.

    Either way, I still prefer Ghost Hunters over some of the other BS shows out there and I like the characters much better.

  4. I think its entertaining and little more. They do not approach situations with reason. However, I understand that they are more interested in television ratings than real paranormal research. The same applies to John Edwards and Sylvia Browne. When you remove any rational thought and known facts from the situation, all you have is superstition and fear.

  5. I have mixed feelings about this show.

    I think it brings attention to the fact that people report and experience unexplained phenomena, commonly reported as ghosts and hauntings. I'm glad it brings attention to these experiences.

    However, I often cringe when the team actually conducts their investigation. Their procedures could be greatly improved.

    I do agree with other posters that the show is offered for entertainment value and this is unfortunate.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  6. I think that Jason and Grant are in it for the money now and wouldn't know a real ghost if it came up to either one of them and passed right on through them.  They would of course have to debunk it as just some kind of cold wind had blown past them and not through them.  I used to think they were okay at first but as I watched them, I watched the money growing for them as well.  Lost interest in them and so have allot of other smart people.  Their words are not Gospel.

  7. well...they are not like the other people that are trying to prove that the place is haunted. because the other people find a "orb" and that is the only thing they have evidence so then they say that the house is haunted. but you have to look into it. T.A.P.S. try to disprove it and most of the time they find orbs and it is mostly dust. and you can go to any house and find orbs which mostly is all dust. well....that is all i can say about that!!

               Good Luck!!


  8. Spirits will not come forward at your beck and call. They are always around. So far I haven't seen anything they have done to be extreme. Which is a good thing in that business.

  9. This was asked recently. Ghost Hunters (TAPS) is "reality show" entertainment. It's aired on the Science FICTION channel. I have not observed much in the way of rigorous scientific methods on that show, and it's been on the air for years and they still haven't produced a shred of evidence for ghosts. I watch it because it's amusing, though.

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