
What do you think about teenage s*x?

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My daughter is going to turn 15 and she asked me if she could have s*x. But the weird thing is she doesn't have a boyfriend.What should I do.

{PS: I told her for now the answer is no.}




  1. I think its good that she asked you. I now think you should take the time to explain to her the consequences of s*x. You don't have to let her but have a chat with her. Ask her if she feels she is mentally, emotionally and physically ready for that kind of step. Maybe she does have a boyfriend that she never told you about, that could be something else you could talk to her about. And during the conversation you dont have to make s*x a negative thing, cause we all know that there are so many upsides to it as well. Tell her about them, because even though you say its bad, we all know that it is good. There is no point in hiding it from her. I think you really should be honest with her. She is 15 years old and now is the time that she is suppose to make her own decisions and become an adult. I know that you want her to be your little girl forever and believe me she knows that too, but she is getting older and you must except that. You have to remember, you can not prevent your daughter from growing up just because you are scared. So please talk with her, educate her and give her the choice. As much as it hurts you, she has to learn if this is something she really wants.  

  2. Tell her when she gets a job, can afford her own BC, and can afford to support a baby, then she can.

    I'm fifteen and have a baby girl. I know what it's like.

    And also, make sure she knows ALL of the consequences.

  3. If she is going to anyway you should stress ALWAYS use a condom. for her protection. you love her and the last thing you want is for her to rebel against you and do it anyway. at least if you say "only with a trusted partner and protection" she will be a lot less likely to be rebelious and will probably not care as much. ( about having s*x since it will lose it's forbidden quality)

  4. me being a not normal teenager think its not okay...

    let your daughter know all the consequences of having s*x....

    i think its just a part of her growing up..

    my sister had s*x when she was12 and regrets it til this day..

    tell her to wait until she really really feels shes ready and then come talk to you about how she is feeling...

    good luck,,,!'

    i hope she doesnt ruin her life w/ 1 night of fun w/ a cute boy...

  5. First of all, props to you for having a relationship with your daughter that she is comfortable enough to tell you that.

    Second, its seems to me like she was trying to start a conversation, maybe she wants to be on the pill or something??? I dont know, just a guess.

    I would ask her why whe wants to do it, if her friends are doing it, etc. I would then offer her b/c or condoms telling her you absolutely dont approve but you want her to take precautions and responsibility if she makes such a decision.

    I have read that these conversations are best had in the car while you are driving, so you dont have to worry about uncomfortable eye contact.

  6. i think they are too young to understand what is involved wen it comes to s*x, they are not mature enough to understand about things like safe s*x, pregnancies, etc, they think cause everyone else is doing it they feel they should and then r more likely to go with the wrong men etc, instead of just saying no, be more open teach her all there is to know about s*x,good and bad,std s etc, give her advice and support, teach her about safe s*x and why she should be safe, let her give her opinions hear what she has to say.

  7. Encourage her to wait until marriage. Talk to her about the dangers of having s*x at such a young age.  

  8. put her on bc just in case limit her time out just hanging good luck

  9. Immoral and irresponsible.  Teens aren't ready for that kind of heavy emotional and physical burden.  s*x is for marriage.  Period.

  10. Uhm its normal for all teens to want and have s*x.

    Its everyone's own choice to do what they want with their body.

    I'm not going to have s*x, im 14, and waiting until marriage, but I have friends who have had s*x multiple times and do other things. I don't think its very smart but I don't argue about it with them

    Like everyone else is saying, tell her the consequences-aids, pregnancy, school drop out.. etc. but if she says she feels like having s*x then just let her be.If shes christian, then definately tell her about the bible and what it says about s*x before marriage

    It might just be a stage. She could just be horny... ha sorry but its an option.

    best luck


  11. You did the right thing by telling her no.  Explain to her the dangers of HIV, STD and other issues.  Also explain to her about pregnancy.

  12. you need to ask her why she wants to have s*x. tell her about the risks and that at the very least she should let her first time be with someone  she loves.

    make sure she is not doing it because all her friends are. tell her their are other things she can do like m********e or use s*x toys on herself.

    thank her for asking her but tell her your concerned for her help emotionally if she does it before she finds some one she is ready to give herself too.

    you need to tell her the good the bad and the too ugly to show Truth about s*x.

    this can help.

    tel her she can love without s*x and have s*x without love

  13. If I were a teenager I would think it was great!!! As an adult not so sure, as a parent I would be very concerned.

  14. maybe the kids in her school.

    or the chicks she hangs out with are

    all having s*x and talking about it.

    and their makin her want to do it.

    talk to her about using condoms and

    respecting her self and her body.

    if she asks you again put her on bc.

    take a close look at the people she hangs out with.

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