
What do you think about telemarketers? I work in telesales for BT

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What do you think about telemarketers? I work in telesales for BT




  1. It is brain destroying job with lots of verbal abuse, lots of stress on reaching your targets, its the kind of job you either like or hate, there is nowhere in between but it pays my wages each week. Telemarketers are not on the phone to sell you something, we are here to get you interested in our products.

  2. i usually dont answer calls i dont recognize on caller ID, so it doesn't bother me. i realize you guys are just trying to make a living, and i feel kind of bad for you so i am not rude. i don't see how it is a very successful way to sell, but if people do it it must be.

  3. I try very hard not to .Think about them.

  4. Telemarketers are just plain folk looking to make a living....for the most part. There are a lot of scammers, but true telemarketers are just typical folks.

    Telemarketing happens because it works. If the companies using this form of business creation were not having a decent ROI, then it wouldn't happen.

    Always remember that for each person manning a phone, typical software packages doing the dialing are running 4 calls out. Once one call is answered the other three are dropped, which explains why so many people get nobody there when they answer.

  5. It really annoys me, if i want something ill ask for it.

  6. Not really bothered either way. If I'm not in the mood i just hang up. Sometimes me and my dad will wind them up which is always a good laugh.

  7. Just ordinary working grunts trying to make a living while getting h**l from their bosses

  8. I can't stand them, what makes them think that I want them to use my phone line, that I pay for, to try and sell me something.

  9. Telemarketing is not a career, it is an unwanted intrusion and imposition on the general public!  

  10. they annoy everyone, they never call to do anything but trick people into buying things they dont' want

  11. I HATE THEM! Well.. okay. Not them, they idea behind them. I did it for about a month, so when they call I try and be polite about not being interested just because I know how it feels. I had someone swear on her life she hoped I would die. I was just doing it because it was the only job I could get!

  12. Do you have to take a course in bulls-it?

  13. it annoys me when you tell them to take you off of their calling list and they call you back like the next day!  

  14. seriously does anyone actually buy **** off the phone....telemarketers suck

  15. i usually just hang up on them, by usually i mean always, i'm sure you get that alot

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