
What do you think about that Handlebars song?

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The first 2 times I heard it I was like "This is catchy. HEY why is he shouting "hollocaust?".




  1. It's OK, but it sounds like Cake wannabees...

  2. I only like the part about douche bags at Scottsdale bars. I have had first hand experience with those douches.

  3. I don't think Yahoo recommended you post questions regarding a song that really has nothing what-so-ever to do with cycling here.

    I think you made that up.

    Read the lyrics, the song is self evident in it's meaning.

    EDIT: thumbs down? Why? I'm correct. I checked with Y/A they said you should NOT have posted this here.

    When does summer school start?

  4. I like it.

  5. The meaning of the song is evident from the music video, if you haven't seen it already:

    From Wikipedia:

    The video for the song starts out lighthearted, showing two young friends riding their bikes without handlebars. They arrive at a sign that points in two directions, one labeled with a corporate-like symbol, and the other labeled by a dove. They hug and head their separate ways.

    The person who took the direction labeled with a dove arrives in a peaceful, serene city, while the other person arrives in a large, businesslike city. The business person goes on to become a tyrannic leader of the city, and aims to take over the peaceful city. The citizens of the peaceful city then form a rebellion against their new leader, headed by the peaceful person from earlier. Just after the rebels start a riot and fight against the leader's guards, the leader sees his former friend just before his friend is killed, and realizes that he has done wrong.

    The video ends as it began, with the two people riding their bikes without the handlebars.

    When the singer shouts, "And I can end the world with a holocaust," he's pretending to be the friend that was immersed in the corporate world and became obsessed with power and destruction.

  6. its on my myspace=-)

  7. almost everytjing the research guy said was right.

    basically the beginning with the different directions the freinds take is correct but then the next part is the dove friend calling the business friend. telling him fun things he does. and the video shows wimsical dancing and stuff.and then when the talking starts getting angry and serious its the business friend. and the video shows littering and pollution and the big city and everything. its basically just differnt paths u can take ur life

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