
What do you think about that new Wendy's commercial?

by Guest56266  |  earlier

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What do you think about that new Wendy's commercial,the one about the guy saying he's a meataterian.It aggravates me because me and my aunt find it insulting.And she's a vegetarian.We just feel like their not respecting vegetarians.Any way I just want your opinion on the commercial




  1. I don't think anything about it.  You have to try not to let stuff like that bother you.  It doesn't really have anything to do with vegetarianism, it's just a bit of silliness.

  2. That is annyoing..


    there is this new burger king commercial..

    the guy eating a chicken bacon sandwhich, and the cow comes in all mad...

    they say "so good, you'll cheat on beef"

    LIKE TOTALLY... This cow is going to be sooo 'mad' that you arn't eating it... how stupid is that!!!

    I hate it soo much!  

  3. I'm glad you asked! I find it very, very stupid and wondered if anyone else felt the same way. I'm happy to read in these answers that others do and that someone else finds the Burger King commercial ridiculous too! Both commercials actually sadden me with the level of stupidity they demonstrate.

    Sometimes I feel like the world is going backwards and those commercials bolster that feeling... Sad, very sad...


  4. I'm a vegetarian by osmosis and proxy I only eat animals that eat vegetables.

  5. I get offended. Like theyre making fun of everyone who has takes thier health seriously and has compassion for something other than the human race.

    So insulting.

  6. It's racist.

  7. whats wrong with saying there a meataterian theres people going around bragging about be a vegetarian so why cant be people say there are meatartarians.  

  8. I think what's dumber is that he is eating the meat on a bun, which is not made of meat. Fail.

  9. It's just a word I mean if it really existed like "vegetarian" then that's different. No where did it say they're not respecting vegetarians. You and your aunt devote to eating primarily vegetables to prevent from harming animals but people who like to eat meat eat meat and take no shame of it. If you are constantly around people who eat meat and you're not quite insulted by that, I don't know why a term would insult you. They're just making fun of people who love to eat meat not people who don't. Like they put it"It's a personal choice" if you switched it around, becoming a vegetarian is also your personal choice but "meatatarian" is not necessarily a real term so you don't have to take full insult.  

  10. it dont bother me to much but it does pis* me off when me and my boyfriend are watching tv and it comes on and hes just smiling like YEA! hes just sooo uneducated and he just looks foolish for agreeing with the stupid commerical!!

  11. I don't think anything of it. If I see anything  do not like on TV, I just exercise my right to use the channel selector or mute button. You should too.

    It's just a commercial and you don't patronize the product anyway. Some people think it's funny, some don't. No big deal.

    As for being "insulted", that's is a bit over dramatic.Is a Coca cola commercial disrespectful of those who drink Pepsi? I find PETA protesters outside a KFC more disrespectful. What makes vegetarians a different breed so much so that people have to factor in their "feelings" every time they do something?

    If people cannot distinguish between advertising and reality, they have bigger problems than just being insulted by an indignant cow commercial from Burger King

  12. I don't mind it, until he says "It's a personal choice, you know?"  That pisses me off.  It really is insulting.

  13. Its kinda funny, no offense but some vegetarians act like its a big deal and that non vegetarians shouldn't eat meat around them like come on.

    But some weightlifters actually do become "meataterians" or a mostly meat diet in order to increase thier protein intake.

  14. i don't think the idea of calling someone a "meatarian" is offensive.....what is offensive is the way they mock vegetarians.  if someone wants to call themselves a "meatarian", well...fine.  but for them to say, "it's a personal have to commit to it," i found really condescending and stupid.

    i had to laugh watching it though because the guy says that he "only eats meat" while he's eating a burger with a bun on it.  so i think we can infer that the man in the commercial is an IDIOT for not realizing that his bun is made out of grains.  

    bottom line: the commercial is in bad taste, but MANY are these days.  if the "personal choice" they were discussing was, say, smoking....most people wouldn't take it so lightly.  

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