
What do you think about the 2008 Beijing Olympics in China?

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Do you also think that the Olympics in China should be banned? If you do, star this question.

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  1. I never think about the Olympics I hate sports but i'm sure sports people like the Olympics.Ban the Olympics? LOL.

  2. lol my bro thinks that there will be some mass killing or something were people die

  3. It is sad that the IOC picked China, a human-rights abusing country to the max, to host the Olympics.

  4. No I do not think all those professional atheletes who have worked so hard to get there deserve to be boycotted.

    You must seperate Politics from Sport.

    It is bad enough that people confuse Religion & Politics. Lets not make a mess of sport.


  5. bad air they should go green, other than that why get political its just a sporting event let them do there thing its none of our (USA) business thats how wars get started  

  6. well what can you say its there and gonna happen so lets just hope the Chinese embarrass the country and all

  7. I believe it is wrong and why we are participating with a country that is knowingly polluting the world and guilty of human rights violations is beyond my comprehension. I see a bad moon rising in these Olympics and I do believe there will be trouble of Olympic perportions before the games are over.

  8. I used to follow athletics avidly My old mum took me to some wonderful games . I saw Al Oerter , Parry O'Brien Chris Chataway , Alan Paterson , McDonald Bailey ,Arthur Wint and others turn in great performances in the pre drugs era . Now ? I will take me aging body to the hills and walk amidst nature's wonders . Beijing - Peking - et als . Could not give a monkeys !! Let them pursue a meaningless charade put on by a meaningless administration . Banning means nought .Sad.

  9. I do not think about the Olympics - in ANY country.  Watching sport is dull.

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