
What do you think about the 9 yr.old pitcher in Connecticut who's been told he can't pitch because he's too?

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good for the league he's been playing in? I played organized baseball in my early to mid teens and there were always one or two boys who stood out from the rest. However, back then, we just dealt with it. We didn't go home crying because some kid was so good that no one could hit his pitches. This is ridiculous. Let the kid play. What are we doing, anyway, breeding a nation of softies who'll be unable to function as adults one day because they've constantly been protected and coddled? What are we comin' to in this country when somebody is told he can't compete because he's too good? How sad, so very sad...




  1. I think it's tough for kids on both sides. I say let the kid play. That may influence some of the other kids to do better so that they can hit off him.  

  2. he should go in a different league or complain

  3. Whatever happened to setting the bar?  Instead of banning the kid because he's too about keeping him and holding him up as an example of what THEY TOO can achieve?  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that improvement only comes with challenge...and goals are only reached if they're set in the first place.


  4. No that's not the sad part at all, exactly what tortuga said. They had the AUDACITY to FORFEIT because he was so good, not only is that feminine gesture, but thats astronomically the furthest thing away from being a decent sportsman i have ever conceived in my entire life, and eternal shame should be put on that leauge. Poor attempt at making the leauge leveled out. If someone is better than you or is beating you, you play tougher and harder.  

  5. Yeah, I think those younger kids are babies, when I was 8 and 9 I didn't complain about kids being too good to play. I'd get pissed off at them but I respected their right to play whatever sport. I also thought maybe they wanted to teach these kids sportsmanship, not how to complain enough to get a good player out of the league.

    I think its funny that they just make him quit instead of putting him in a higher age group or making him stop pitching.

  6. Obviously you feel bad for the kid (the pitcher). 40mph to a 8,9 year old is serious heat. However, I feel worse for the kids on the team that forfeited playing against him. You basically have coaches and parents telling your young kids, when life gets tough, quit. That's the sad part of this story for me. The pitcher I hope goes on to do well.  

  7. i feel really bad to the kid

    he cant play causr he is that d**n good

    i think we ll see him in the MLB  

  8. The league officials who have stirred up this hornets next are the best examples I can think of of they type of people who should have no involvement with organized sports or the children of America. They, and the coaches and parents involved, have totally lost sight of what youth baseball is supposed to be. The lessons they are teaching the children are completely warped and they should all be banned from even talking to a child for the rest of their lives. Their children should be taken away and placed with families who have functioning brains.

    This is absurd.

  9. I think I've seen this question somewhere before.

  10. I have to agree with you, they should be wanting a player like this in the league. Forget about banning him, they shoud put in the Major Leagues. I wonder if he could een do better then the ptichers currently playing. So what if the kd is good, they might even should put him on a harder team, doesn't seem like he doesn't ake a lot of mistakes, like giving up runs, even homeruns, or even hits.  

  11. Isn't it something that somebody is "to good"?What do they want all medicore players that don't try to improve themselfs for fear of getting kicked out of the league?

  12. Little League Pledge:

    I trust in God

    I love my country

    And will respect its laws

    I will play fair

    And strive to win

    But win or lose

    I will always do my best

    New Haven Connecticut Pledge

    I trust in God

    I love my country

    and will respect its laws

    I won't play fair

    and I'll try not strive to win

    But win or lose

    I'll tell kids with talent not to play.

    Parents tell kids to try hard and you'll get somewhere but now it seems like people with talents are looked down upon which is very strange.

  13. I agree with you. This might make kids think that they should settle for less and that hard work and talent aren't useful to achieve your dreams. In this day and age we need to encourage and stand behind our children.  

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