
What do you think about the Abeka curriculum?

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What do you think about the Abeka curriculum?




  1. "Jazzy" gave a good answer. Abeka is good; when my kids were in preschool - 2nd grade, we used mostly Abeka.  At the time most of the programs out there for kinder and first grade were very preschoolish, and Abeka was teaching 4 yo's to read.  This is what I wanted - however, it is not what everyone wants.  As my first child was finishing 2nd grade I stopped liking Abeka so much, mostly because of the math.  At the end of second grade, students were supposed to know the multiplication and division tables through 5.  Well, this was just too much.  Plus, because you were supposed to spend so much time drilling those tables, there was not time for other things that were covered in other curricula.  So I REALLY recommend it through first grade.

    Jazzy was also correct about there being a lot of 'busy work.'  There is an excess of work required that does not lead to enhanced learning.  HOWEVER, anyone who uses Abeka will have a well-educated child!  Also, if you are the one teaching - duh - you don't have to have your child do the busy work part.

    I also liked Abeka's art through Art B.  They just have stuff for art that no other curriculum that I know of has.

    I do use Abeka spelling because it is the only program I know that has spelling through 12th grade.

    At any rate, if you use Abeka, your child certainly will have a good education, but it is not my top choice.

  2. i use abeka i love abeka I'm even going to use there DVD program next year i love it it is the best way to go

  3. Abeka has many good components, and we use it from time to time.

    Abeka is pricey, and very structured.

    It may work for some families, but we do not like any such complete pre-packaged curriculum's no matter who provides it.

    We like to pick and choose from several, taking those components that work best for us.

    We have used Abeka language A, B and C.

    Old and New World History, and one, or two of the science books, but we did only parts of it that pertained to the unit study we had picked at that time.

    I do have a friend who's daughter is doing the high school video series, and loves it, so it just depends on the student.

  4. An inspiration is what you are to me.

  5. Abeka is a great curriculum which will provide a solid, quality education.  We used it for my son's K and 1st grade year and he is performing above grade level.  That being said, Abeka comes with the disadvantages of any text book curriculum which you can read more about here:

    It was initially designed for a traditional classroom which means there is an excess of classroom activities and busywork.

    In addition, Abeka tends to be advanced and may not be a good fit for slower learners.

    Here are some other homeschooling methods you may want to consider:

    Good luck finding something that works!

  6. it excuses ninis, i´m unknow about that subject then my education to be always in mexico and I do not have almost any relation with people of the United States.


  7. I went to a private school & we used it. I thought it was great.

    Good luck!!

  8. I'm 13 and in the 8th grade and have been home schooled  my whole life (but im a year ahead of where i'm suposed to be) the abeka program is relly hard bucause last year i wanted to try public school and that work was a lot more easy and i was of course a year ahead and in ap classes but i came in late in the year so i had to get cought up so i just went back to home schooling again but i'm thinking about going back for my freshman year. So if i were you i would try School of Tomorow or Bob Jones something besides abcka

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