
What do you think about the Balkans, their dynamic and rich history, and their importnace to the world?

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What do you think about the Balkans, their dynamic and rich history, and their importnace to the world?




  1. It's true. Rich, rich history, it's a  crossroad between Europe and Asia. My opinion is that Bulgaria must choose way like Swiss (neutrality), but our politics don't understand this.

  2. "Rich history" is metaphorical, I hope. They've been like an Armageddon zone in history. If wars start there, they can spread very easily if not contained. They are a prime example of radical Islam and ethnic cleansing.

  3. Each area of the world is unique and has a rich heritage. Balkans are also a very important area in the world and have contributed in their unique way to evolve the modern civilization. The newly independent Balkan states can play a very important role in the affairs of the world.

  4. i believe it benefits the people [all around the world], to educate themselves, on many topics.

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