
What do you think about the Beijing olympics opening ceremony?

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Grade the ceremony on a scale 0-10, 10 being fabulous.




  1. i loved it until i found out it was fake!

    almost everything from the fireowrkd to the singing wasn't real, china just wanted to look perfect in the eyes of the world

    and to think i thought china had some good in them =[

  2. 10! The technology used was simply amazing! The creativeness behind all the different parts of the ceremony was worthy of thunderous applause (especially the beginning and the lighting of the torch towards the end). The beginning where China shared their history was so visually and historically rich. The level of appreciation for the Chinese and their culture is above bar. The costumes and traditional clothing were also simply breathtaking. I thank each individual performer for putting on a great show. How they made such perfect circles is unbelievable. I haven't been excited for the opening ceremony in a long time .. actually ever. All the other opening ceremonies were good, but this one was great! The use of the screens was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. It was fabulous! :)

    PS. And as Rinka mentioned above, the walk of the nations gets a bit boring, but I mean that's going to happen in every opening ceremony. It's also nice to discover names of countries that I've never heard of. (get a bit of geographical knowledge too!)

  3. Its beyond fabulous.  I absolutely love it!  

  4. i fell asleep halfway through. the beginning was great, with the olympic rings floating in the air and all, but then when it was just all those people walking around in costumes, it got a bit boring.


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