
What do you think about the Bush administration's Redrock Wilderness Act?

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The Bush administration has been working on an Act that will destroy 6 million acres of desert in the Utah Redrock Wilderness by drilling for oil. This oil would go to the American people to power our cars. The Act would also make offroad trails for dirt bikers and other off roaders. When they first went in with their dozers, they did damage that scientists estimated would take 300 years to repair. So what do you think? Should we use the land for recreation and oil? Or should we protect it for generations. For more information go to




  1. Take his oil drillers somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Mot people are gonna say "h**l with the land, drill for oil!" But I am pretty disgusted that bush whines and whines about reducing our dependance on foreign il, yet has done NOTHING to do that except try to drill everywhere here.

    In the end, i've come to realize it's inevitable. they'll drill there. and then they'll drill in anwr. and then everywhere else. There just aren't enough people that care about saving some of this planet for future generations

  3. PROTECT IT!!!! that is why everyone hates bush

  4. well , you cant have your cake and eat it too...whatever mom meant by that...if you want to reduce the dependence on foreign oil , you gotta drill at home...and you have to drill where the oil many cars do you guys own? theres no easy answer and you're not going to please everybody no matter what you do ...

  5. Save it!!  There are so few wild areas left anymore!!!

  6. Well tell that to the people who own the land where your gas is coming from now,gee they might want to use it for something else.Oh,that's OK?? Its not your country?? We will have to do some drilling here at some time,what will you run everything on? Settle down people it will take years to get straightened out and still be a viable nation.But we will do it! Most of us love our country.There will be hard decisions ahead it ain't happening over night.

  7. bombs could not destroy 6 million acres of desert. stretch the truth a little are we

  8. Exactly how will drilling for oil destroy the desert? Facts please, not emotional rants.

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