
What do you think about the Bush administration allowing trucks from Mexico on a 3 year program.

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The border is wide open now for trucks, and drivers, what about homeland security? What about our economy? What will our truckers make now with foreign competition?




  1. Money paved the roads for the entry of trucks from Mexico.

  2. i am a mexican truck driver, honest to god, VIVA LA RAZAAAAAAAA

  3. i think its only a temporary fix, but at least some1 is doing something. id pick temporary over nothing any day

  4. The Bush Administration let the Mexican people come and go as they pleased, so why not have their trucks here also? American big-business used the Mexican people and screwed the American workers in the process and George Bush went along with it for two terms. His band-aid approach to stop illegal immigration into the U.S. is a sad, pathetic joke. Mexican people looking for a better way of life, have been supported by the Mexican government who wanted Mexican's in the U.S. to earn money and send it back to their families in Mexico. It was a win-win situation for the Mexican government who treats the Mexican people like dirt! The U.S. should have attacked the Mexican government and handed that nation back to the Mexican people, allowing them to once again gain control of their country, instead of having a corrupt government which caters to drug cartels, murder and rule by terror and force! No sense in attempting to lock the barn door now, all the former inhabitants are long-gone. Mexican trucks on American highways is long will it be before the Chinese government occupies the Oval Office within the "White House", or has that already happened, just have not held the ceremony as of this time! The U.S. has already been "Sold Out", might as well make it a complete "Close-out" sale and let the whole world bring their things and come on in....America is going down the tubes anyway you look at it!

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