
What do you think about the Caylee Anthony trial?

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What do you think happened?

We know about the trial and all, but where do you think Caylee is?

Hope God finds Caylee




  1. When did they have a trial?? She was just put back in jail after her bail was revoked. I believe she killed her daughter and that her mother knows she did.  

  2. I believe God has found Caylee.  I believe her mother is aware of the child being dead.  She borrowed a shovel from her neighbor.  What do you think she did with with it?  She buried her child.  

  3. i think little caylee is now with Jesus and on judgement day, caylee will see her mom and get to ask her why she killed her? and then casey will know fear for the first time!!


  5. I believe her OWN mother killed her,The same mother that is suppose to care for her And keep her away from harm.I think cayse wanted to go out but didn't want her parents to take care of caylee because she knew that she would never hear the end of it because she had no job blah blah blah so she went out and left caylee in the car trunk and she went out and got soo drunk when she got out of the club she went home and just crashed SHe remembers about caylee in the morning but its too late.

  6. Ok, this is gonna sound gruesome but this is what i think happened.

    She killed the kid-probably in a fit of rage hit the child too hard and killed her. Or maybe did something stupid like leaving her in a hot car. Regardless, she killed her.

    She disposed of the body by feeding it to alligators or crocodiles. I know that sounds horrible......but its what i feel happened. She lives in Florida. They pinged off her cell phone to see where she had been, several of the hits put her in wooded areas near bodies of water. There you go.

    I know thats horrible to think of, but some people are just heartless and could do that without any remorse.  

  7. ya i really think that kid is dead think about it. its been on the news for a long time and yet no one has even reported seeing the child i think shes dead

  8. Casey Anthony's trial is set for November 2008; no comment about that as of yet.  

    I think it is an absolute disgrace how the Anthony family has played this case up in the media.

    I believe Caylee is dead so at this point I just want to see the little girl's remains found with a proper burial to follow.

    Casey Anthony has lost all credibility with me; I do not think she is capable of telling the truth.

  9. Let see if formal charges come against Casey first

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