
What do you think about the Chinese aborting babies up to nine months?

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What do you think about the Chinese aborting babies up to nine months?




  1. crazy!!!

    I am against abortion, but we cannot expect more about China and her politicians. They don't care about others and even their own people. The people in China in its majority are brainwashed by their leaders. They dont have freedom and there is no democracy.

  2. It is an inhuman act. They are a communist country and they

    practice a lot of different things that we do not do in the USA.

    When we travel and see these things we feel annoyed but in

    order to please them we have to be nice. We have to be

    hospitable to them.

  3. It's not a religious question.  It is a needed measure to prevent over-population.  Would it be more humane to wait for them to be born?  Eskimos used to put babies out on the ice.  Many societies killed baby girls.  Many conservationists condone culling animals to preserve the herd.  In Zimbabwe they cull elephants.  In 1000 years, the whole world will require some form of population control or the human race will die out.  I'd prefer spaying, neutering and abortion to human sacrifice any day.

  4. ..thats kinda of horrible, but its can have an upside. it is terrible to kill any living thing, but if person found out they had aid, they might not want to bring the baby into the world...although having aid is better than being dead.

  5. I don't think it is morally right.  They were trying to solve an overpopulation problem that has far more reaching consequences that where you are.  Now they have a whole nother problem with too many males to carry on the family lines and not enough females to do the babies.  Just a thought-when I was a kid-and that was awhile ago-we had Riplely's Believe It or Not in the newspaper everyday.  One day it said that if the Chinese starting marching four abreast past you, they would never stop.  I recently saw the same statistics and they could march eight abreast and never stop.  That's a lot of people to have to provide for. . .

  6. The Chinese do it because of over population. If they didn't go it then the kids die of starvation. Its a lose - lose situation. So in some ways its more humane, but in some ways its a horrible thing to do. Furthermore, they also tie up the women, so they can never have children again. I have heard of stories, in which some women are accidentally tied up, and can never have kids. These are the ones that i sympathies about.

  7. sick

    fundemental disregard for decent behavior

    but they live so poorly it it beyond our comprehension

    the desperation is the driving force

  8. They also skin cats and dogs ALIVE for the fur trade.

    China is lucky I don't have control of that big red button.

    (They have videos of this. The dogs, who we've made our domestic 'best friends' through evolution, are wagging their tails at the man who walks up to them and is getting ready to put them through some of the biggest torture on this planet.  They're mean, because they could club those animals and not put them through that pain if they wanted.)

  9. Not my problem.  We have enough issues here in the US to keep me worried.

  10. That is not all that uncommon in many countries.  It was only recently that the US placed a ban on partial-birth abortions.

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