
What do you think about the EV1 electric car?

by Guest66743  |  earlier

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It can help stop pollution and preserve our environment! Plus, you would save money by not paying for gas..So why did GM basically "cancel" this innovative car? Why did people not support it?




  1. The batteries didn't last.  The car wouldn't perform well.  It was expensive.  Temperature was a big problem for the car.  And I personally know someone who had one blow up on them...  exploding batteries are a liability.

    The technology just wasn't there yet.

    Oh, who wants to support a car that they have to return after a couple years?

    - One cool thing about them was you could sneak right up on someone walking and they would never know you were there... the cars were VERY quiet.

  2. We will never know why major car companies don't support evs. why the media refuse to report on them.

    and why the industry can't see the coming of peak oil.

    The ev1 was a 10 year old design, originally using poor batteries. It was not marketed & not planned for mass production which could have brought the price down. Still there was more demand than supply and people who had them were very happy.

    Given a choice of a quiet, smooth, smell free, low maintenance car or the fossil monsters dependent on long supply chains from pollitically or environmentaly sensitive areas who would choose the latter.

    plus refuel at home from cheap energy or own micro-generator, free parking in some cities...

    PS GABBY congratulations on getting every ev myth in your answer:

    1. "Much more expensive"   Tesla is $100k a lot less than a ferrari with similar performance. Electric cars are much simpler so should eb cheaper to mass produce.

    2. "Short range on a charge". 200+miles is 10x more than the average daily journey.

    3. "Charging time to long". 10 minutes every 200 miles not long enough for a cup of coffee

    4. "May reduce pollution, but the majority is just moved to the Electric Power Plant's location". Electric motors are much more efficeint, ie they use a lot less power to move a load. and large constantly monitored and maintained generators running at optimum temperature and load close to source using unrefined fuel means far less pollution well to wheel

    5. "Battery life, and expensive to replace".10,000 to 15,000 charges (27 years at a charge a day) and price will come down as they do not contain rare metals like catalyctic exahusts etc. and the price of fossil fuel can only go up as we enter peak oil

    6. "Batteries give off H2 Gas which is very explosive". only old pb car batteries give off hydrogen, (still less dangerous than petrol as it is lighter than air & escapes easily), modern LI or NiMH batteries are much safer see the Killacycle crash video

  3. Electric Cars have not yet been accepted by most people for the following reasons:

    1. Much more expensive. Even with some savings, Initial cost is so high you never get money back before the batteries / car needs replacement.

    2. Short range on a charge.

    3. Charging time to long.

    4. May reduce pollution, but the majority is just moved to the  Electric Power Plant's location.

    5. Battery life, and expensive to replace.

    6. Batteries give off H2 Gas which is very explosive.

  4. It was not economically competative with conventional powered cars and was only produced due to a government mandate.  Once the mandate ran its course and ended, there was no reason for GM to continue production of what was a money loosing operation for them.  The cars were never sold, only leased.  Once the leases expired, GM reclaimed the cars and destroyed them.

  5. soo where dose electricity come from... and what will we be using alot more of if we all had an electric car?? well i ll tell you what the out come is.... more pollution!!!!.. you cant stop it... nore slow it down.. its gana happen no matter what we all gana die lol.. o and what ever money you would save on gas ud put twards your naw 10x bigger electrical bill

  6. Not as great as this car that runs on compressed air and is the "World's Cleanest Car"

    " After fourteen years of research and development, Guy Negre has developed an engine that could become one of the biggest technological advances of this century. Its application to Compressed Air Technology(CAT) vehicles gives them significant economical and environmental advantages. With the incorporation of bi-energy (compressed air + fuel) the CAT Vehicles have increased their driving range to close to 2000 km with zero pollution in cities and considerably reduced pollution outside urban areas.

       The application of the MDI engine in other areas, outside the automotive sector, opens a multitude of possibilities in nautical fields, co-generation, auxiliary engines, electric generators groups, etc. Compressed air is a new viable form of power that allows the accumulation and transport of energy. MDI is very close to initiating the production of a series of engines and vehicles. The company is financed by the sale of manufacturing licenses and patents all over the world."

  7. I think the EV-1's cost something like $500,000 each to produce.  Nice car, but not even GM could afford it.  Pure electric vehicles will be all the rage just as soon as gasoline gets to the $5 per gallon level.

  8. basically its way over priced. anything that is labeled "all natural" " green" "environmentally safe" will be overpriced.

  9. star

    I Don't necessarily believe there's any global cover up, don't get me wrong I’m one for conspiracy theories, in fact I live 100% off the grid away from society / gov to prove it. But the technology is out there and has been for a longtime. I just think society isn't ready for it yet, almost but not yet. I don't think the government killed the EV1 or the super carburetor , either (though I’ve been wrong before) I think consumers did. Consumer's want their v8's with 33inch tires and speeds of 110+ min, just can't get that with “factory” evs right now.

    I currently have an EV and  2 vehicles that run on hydrogen also all that I converted. As I live completely off the grid all my electricity comes from solar panels and 2 wind generators.

    The gov and car companies ARE trying to do something about it though.

    Biofuel is recognized by both the US Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy as an alternative fuel, and qualifies for mandated programs under the Clean Air Act Amendments and the Environmental Protection Act of 1992 (EPAct).

    USDA Clears Air with Biofuel: Buses and other diesel-burning vehicles run cleaner if they mix biofuel with regular diesel fuel, said the US Department of Agriculture at a biofuel fuel seminar at a USDA research center.

    Conversely most major automotive manufacturers (Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors, etc) recommend the use of bio fuels, and nearly every car manufacturer in the world approves ethanol blends in their warranty coverage.

    In fact your probably even driving an ethanol car and didn't even know it.

    The trick is finding fuel.

    I've been producing biofuel for about 3 years now, it's not extremely difficult. Basically you need general household ingredients, a processor (or still for ethanol) and some used oil. Blend it, let separate, screen and use. I complied a guide a while back to help walk you threw the process step by step, just email me or check out..

    also Honda has just released their first Hydrogen car (FCX Clarity).

    "The FCX Clarity is a next-generation, zero-emissions, hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle based on the entirely-new Honda V Flow fuel cell platform, and powered by the highly compact, efficient and powerful Honda V Flow fuel cell stack."

    It definitely has potential for "future car technology". In fact Honda just gave the first Individual Customer from Las Angeles a 2 year lease on the FCX.

    and of course you can stop waiting for them to anything and just do it yourself. I built my first hydrogen cell about 5 years ago, the ev about 3 years ago and now currently run the 2 trucks, my home hot water heater, home stove and home generator on hydrogen and offer a step by step DIY guide to walk anyone interested threw the process. You can find it at or you can email me.

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Retired Boeing Engineer now living 100% Off-the-Grid with my family, using Alternative Energy & loving every minute.

    for more info visit agua-luna com or email me at

    Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

  10. Range of 100 miles means one way trip for many commuters. Most of my jobs were in the 50 mile range, plus lost of standing still in traffic, while running AC or heat.

    Charging takes A LOT longer than filling up, too. Good idea, but just not yet practical.

    Also, it costs a lot of money and uses up a lot of energy to make those batteries. In a way, it's cheaper if, instead of spending thousands more for an electric version of the car, you just spent the money on gas.

  11. Ive just watched 'who killed the electric car".

    I think that if GM thought they could have made money out of it they would have done a better job of marketing it and supporting it.

    However as they were forced into making it by the California state it was a development they resisted the whole way. They eventually figured out how to kill it.

    At least it was the start of the story that has lead to the hybrids which seem to be doing OK without making a law. The plug in hybrid is basically the next step which is then the same as the EV1 with an engine so you wont get stranded.

    These clean vehicles will help the environment as the additional generating capacity required to charge them will come from new power stations that use renewable energy. Unless the states are still building thermal stations.

    Currently electricity is way cheaper than petrol, and as long as the enrons of this world don't come back it should continue to be.

    I am also sure that man will exhaust the worlds supply of fossil fuel regardless. Who would leave it in the ground... its a gift.

  12. I think it was a wonderful car.  I would love to own one.  People did support it.  Former owners (leasers) pulled together to offer an obscene amount of money to purchase them when GM was going to destroy them.  They also attempted legal matters to try and save them.  Then they tried to physically stop the destruction of these vehicles,  Maybe they should have hired the A-team, then there would still be EV-1's on the road.

  13. Well, I think it mostly had to do with oil companies and the fact that they would lose so much money. right now every car on the road sucks down gas like crazy.

    Sure the inefficiency and high pricetag may have also contributed to it. They weren't and even still aren't, that practical. BUT! why are they not practical? Look at the Tesla Roadster. 135 mph with over 200 miles per charge. all EV's should be getting that kind of performance.

    And at the very least, the option should be made available. How many people only drive 30-40 miles per day. to get to work or the store? There's tons of people that EV would be perfect for

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